Which crop do you prefer and why ?

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As the title says....

I couldn't decide which one to show hi mum...




The first.

Having the extra people in the second doesn't add anything to the shot.
As above, no. 1.
I also prefer the tighter crop, more of the subject in the picture.

First first me too, much nicer position gives a lot more significance to the action, people looking a bit bored in the second don't!
Definitely the first, less distraction, she'll want to see her boy not the spectators.
Its the first for me, less distractions than in the second which don't add anything.

If the background people know him/grandparents parents perhaps, then its quite good but at a slightly wider aperture to at least make them out. That would also work. If they are random people, forget it....just my view.
I mean a slightly higher f number/more depth of field - sorry was thinking two things at once :)
Definitely the first, for the same reasons as above. It is a much better image.
the first but for me too tight a crop above.. for me the crop should allow room for a crouching, kneeling whatever subject to stand up into .. maybe not fully but enough to give the impression.. leaving the old dears head in would have been enough :)
it all depends on what you are using the pic for, if its just a straight record shot the the first crop is better , if it for a competition the second crop is better because the subject is on the third and leads you into the picture, the first crop has a lot of dead space on the right and judges don't like that sort of thing
How about a square-ish crop and then select and desaturate the lady's blue clothing so its not so dominant? Nice capture of the kid.
Neither, first is best but too much space on the right, either crop tighter of add a little extra space on the left to even it up a bit.
I would prefer the first but have the subject on the right hand side or right hand 1/3 of the crop.
because it's an action shot and you don't want to shot where he's going, but where he's come from
so he leads in from the left, (and the ball) and a nice tight crop with your subjects head on the top right 1/3 quadrant or guideline (if that makes sense)
nice shot though. will look great in a frame or published

my suggestion

but edit out the flying shoelace
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The first with a slightly different crop.

Don't like the decapitated lady, crop a bit higher to get her head in. Though she is a distraction, being headless is even more of a distraction imo.
I'm a bit restricted with the 3x2 crop, however saying that, I put both up for viewing and they added both to their Favourites folder.

Thanks for your views and crit. It will be interesting to see which one they finally select.
i would like a little of both but then im greedy.