Which filters to get ?


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I want to get some filters but am not such if there's such a thing as " an order of preference"

I have a set of hard grads and thats it..( probably should have gone for soft ones but didn't read the ad properly :bonk: )

So..what next ? I do landscapes so do I go for a 9 or 10 stop ( LCW perhaps ? ) or is it better to go for ND8s etc ? Or the Soft gards ? :shrug:

Guidance appreciated.. Thanks
What camera are you using? Lee advice cropped sensor DSLR users to stick to hard grads (there was also quite a debate about it on the forum a while back).

Personally I'm happy with hard grads, ND grads (ND4, 6) and circular polariser. I may get a 10 stop filter, but it really depends on what you shoot & find you need.
90% of the time I use a 2 stop hard ND grad. That will be the best for bringing the 'sky to the land' for the majority of landscapes.

Next preference would be a 2 or 3 stop ND if you shoot water - just for slowing down the movement in daylight.

A 10 stop really is your preference as this filter is expensive and creates a very specific effect.

A circular polariser may also be considered.

Then look at 1 / 3 stop Hard ND and maybe a set of softs...

All IMO :)