Which Folding Camera?


TPer Emeritus
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I'm on the lookout for a folding camera - any vintage really, but a useable one rather than just a shelf ornament or paper weight. At the moment I'm tending towards a Kodak Retina rangefinder (35mm) but I'd welcome any thoughts on what would be your choice and why. (y)
Zeiss Contessa is supposed to be the 'jewel of the crown' , according to Stephen Gandy

Good call - lovely camera. Actually Gandy reckons the Voigtlander Vitessa to the most beautiful of all the folders, and best build quality. Both tend to be a bit on the pricey side in working order! :D
I know. Looking for one at a reasonable price for a long time. If you spot one ( after you have got yours, offcourse) do please let me know
I know. Looking for one at a reasonable price for a long time. If you spot one ( after you have got yours, offcourse) do please let me know

LOL I'll keep my eyes open. The problem is even non working models of those cameras seem to command high prices just as shelf objects. :puke:
Any of the Zeiss Nettars they can be had for a small price, and they have range finder on them, BUT not coupled.

I have just run a test film through mine and they look good (mind you did cock a few up :LOL:)

Agfa Billy? I think they also did 6x9 format and they are good



A link to some more info on them.

Great links - thanks. :)

Hmmm ....why do I find those Rolleiflex SL66s so appealing? ( your 2nd link)

Must stay focused.... looking for a folder. :D
by the way, on a watch forum I visit, the following is advertised

If you want it CT, I can let the guy know

Thanks Ujwal. After much scouring of the web and reading up on the options I've decided it's going to be a Retina - pretty camera, small, superbly built, and emminently useable. Thanks for that though! (y)

Lovely camera mind you- medium format too...

No prbs. Let me know how you get along with the Retina. It has been on my wish list; but wasn't too sure how usable it is.
No prbs. Let me know how you get along with the Retina. It has been on my wish list; but wasn't too sure how usable it is.
Oh they're very useable and built to a standard which was rare even back around 1950. You'd have had to be pretty well heeled to afford one back then! They're very quick and practical in use without some of the operational quirks of the others. Just gotta find one that hasn't been used for a door stop. ;)

You suggesting the 11a is best buy Cedric... :naughty: ... or just trying to throw us hangers on off the trail... :cautious:


Good call - lovely camera. Actually Gandy reckons the Voigtlander Vitessa to the most beautiful of all the folders, and best build quality. Both tend to be a bit on the pricey side in working order! :D

Barndoor Vitessa is the most utterly sexy camera ever made, just hold one in your hands go on..
I'd welcome any thoughts on what would be your choice and why.
Voigtlander Bessa III


Because it is not worn out yet! And only £1650! :eek:
wow...hell. thats beautiful, really is. do you know the year of manufacture and the lens details...
You suggesting the 11a is best buy Cedric... :naughty: ... or just trying to throw us hangers on off the trail... :cautious:



LOL. Best buy out of the Retina models Rog - or best buy out of all the other models?

I think the 11a is the best of the Retina models.Some of the earlier models didn't have the rangefinder.They added selenium metering to later models, but most of those selenium meters have died by now, and even if they're still going, I'd be loathe to trust the accuracy. They also made some later none folding Retinas of the same build quality, but Im specifically after a folder

Both the Voigtlander and the Zeiss Ikon mentioned earlier are even better build quality - both gloriously over-engineered in fact, but it's the Retina which appeals as relatively quick to use and the one I'd enjoy shoving a film through now and again.
Steeps got it, Barndoor Voightlander pure folding sex.
Dunno how much of a user it is but....who cares....:LOL:
I think the 11a is the best of the Retina models.Some of the earlier models didn't have the rangefinder.They added selenium metering to later models, but most of those selenium meters have died by now, and even if they're still going, I'd be loathe to trust the accuracy. They also made some later none folding Retinas of the same build quality, but Im specifically after a folder

Both the Voigtlander and the Zeiss Ikon mentioned earlier are even better build quality - both gloriously over-engineered in fact, but it's the Retina which appeals as relatively quick to use and the one I'd enjoy shoving a film through now and again.

Good enough Cedric... :D ... I know you always do your homework... ;)

Not long to go now then... :naughty:

Barndoor Vitessa is the most utterly sexy camera ever made, just hold one in your hands go on..

So many people do say that. I've never held one I must admit and I don't doubt it's the nutz. I do find that long winder plunger a weird way of winding on. I might change my mind I suppose if I used one. If you're into collecting or investment, I don't see you can go wrong with one of those.

Good enough Cedric... :D ... I know you always do your homework... ;)

Not long to go now then... :naughty:


LOL. Well we'll see. ;)

I think it's right for me. But I'm not a collector, just someone who appreciates what these cameras are and who could only drool over them in the mags when I was a yoof with the arse out of me trousers. :D
Steeps got it, Barndoor Voightlander pure folding sex.
Dunno how much of a user it is but....who cares....:LOL:
They do say it's a fantastic every day camera if you get the right one.
I think it's right for me. But I'm not a collector, just someone who appreciates what these cameras are and who could only drool over them in the mags when I was a yoof with the arse out of me trousers. :D

I know what you mean and feel a bit like that but I don't have the same inclination to use as you clearly do even though I do appreciate them for what they are... :shrug: ... unfortunately I am (or nearly was) in a position to be able to have one or two extra bits laying around to perhaps use on a whim... one day... :D ... or not as the case may be... :naughty:

PMSL. Disposable income has to be erm.. disposed of innit? :LOL:
Here you go you Vitessa fans - fill yer boots! :naughty:

Lovely looking camera but what were they thinking of with that winder/plunger thingy?

that vitessa is way too overpriced

Well there can't be too many in that sort of useable condition, plus it's one of THE cameras sought after by collectors so the price gets driven up on that basis. No doubt someone will buy it. :shrug:
Actually, there's an even nicer one here, and cheaper, but it's in the US so by the time you got hit with import duty you'd be well rogered!

Quest over then - I'm now the owner of a fully functional Retina 11a. :cool:

This be the one...


£63.99 at the death but some swine bid it up from 54 quid in the last 10 seconds. Still a good price though for one in this condition and fully working.
wow...hell. thats beautiful, really is. do you know the year of manufacture and the lens details...

Sorry mate - I missed this post. This is one of two superb lenses which were fitted to the Retina...


The other lens sometimes fitted was an f2 Rodenstock Heligon. There was no difference in quality between the two, but the Heligon tending to be rarer, usually fetches a bit more money.

This is probably the highest quality camera ever produced by Kodak who took over the Nagel Camerawerk factory in Stuttgart, Germany in 1931, manufacturing and marketing cameras from there under the Kodak name. They introduced the original Retina in 1934 and the Retina 1 in 1936. The Germans seized the factory during the war, but Kodak regained possession and resumed production 1n 1945.

The Retina 11a which added the coupled rangefinder, lever wind, and automatic shutter cocking was produced from 1951-1954 and many thousands were sold, It seems many were bought by US servicemen who I think must have had some price concessions going for them.

Interestingly, the original Retina in 1934, introduced the 35mm film cartridge we're all familiar with today. Up till then each manufacterer had their own ideas about cartridges, but eventually all manufacturers adopted this same cartridge.

There's plenty of these cameras about - the trick is to find a nice one of course.
You have convinced me I need one of these babies.

Cant we start a 'lets-swap-our-vintage-camera' club

My favourite at the moment is the Contax IIa with a 50/1.5 sonnar. Lovely lens, that one
You have convinced me I need one of these babies.

Cant we start a 'lets-swap-our-vintage-camera' club

My favourite at the moment is the Contax IIa with a 50/1.5 sonnar. Lovely lens, that one

Well I'm not swapping mine. :D Can't argue with the Contax 11a though, another superb bit of engineering from the same period.