Which Scanner?

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Hi all,

well I've got the first batch of film back from my "adventures with Zenith" and there's some rather pleasing results, in a kind of dreamlike "lost in time" kind of way. Anyway I was wanting to scan in some of the shots for a bit of "correction" and general fiddling, I've just been in to that bastion of godawful PCWorld and the Epson Perfection V300 Photo looks like a good option, I'm particularly interested in its negative scanning capability. I've been offered it for £68.00 which seems reasonable, has anyone got one? is there a better option for around the same price point?

many thanks

i haven't got a v300 but i have heard good things said about them on here...i am using an epson 4490 and have nothing but good things to say about it! i had a few problems installing the interfacing software but these seem to be issues with 3rd party anti-virus/firewall software...once installed i was very happy with the program...

hope this helps...