Which version do you prefer?

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Been experimenting with some different processing lately, just wondered what the consensus was on here au natural or breathed on?
i vote for the first number .. i think if you put a bit more curves into that image it would look perfect :)
Prefere the the 1st - as the 2nd reminds me too much of a passport photo :confused:

:thinking: That reminds me - is my passport still in date...
Something slightly in between would look best I'd say. #1 is a bit dull but #2 is slightly over done.
Something slightly in between would look best I'd say. #1 is a bit dull but #2 is slightly over done.

I would agree, I am leaning toward #2 because it makes the eyes shine and brings out the highlights in the hair but it's just a little over-lightened IMO.
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the first one is better but the perfect would be in the middle !
it is the over versus under exposed pics! try some adjustment you will get the right exposure!
neither for me. 1 is underexposed, while 2 has lost details and definition. Somewhere in the middle would be right. Background on 2 is nice and crisp: I'd keep that.
number 2 but I agree with the comment from Hairboy above
Mmm think the consensus is something in between. Will have a play and see what I come up with.

Thanks for the feedback! I think one of the other threads about overdoing skin smoothing was quit interesting too. Just because we can change pictures doesn't mean we should - perhaps one for another thread?!
When I first opened the thread #1 was the immediate winner. Now I've just adjusted the angle of my laptop screen and #2 is looking a lot better!
first one..not a fan of overly bright photos, i feel it sharpens it too much..however, it is a very good pic :) Paul
There's more information in 1, and I prefer that, but it's a tad too dark and flat. I find the contrast in number 2 too harsh. Hope that helps as they say.
From the looks the two images are of the same but edited differently, but I would say 2 is better than 1. Perhaps you could improve 2 a bit more by bringing down exposure about 15% than add about 5% highlight, another thing to try is raise the temp about 15 points.

But really I have a feeling that with your style deep inside you want to keep 2 (the bottom) image the way it is. If that is what you feel than do it, that is why your client hired you. So in cases like this don't second guess yourself.

Arndts Photography, Lucas, Texas.