Which Voigtlander Bessa?


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Friday evening ponder!

A review of my shooting habits over the past few months reveals that I have been using my Bessa L more than any of my other 35mm cameras. This has set me thinking should I splash out and get a Voigtlander with a viewfinder? I have been shooting with a 15mm Heliar and 50mm Jupiter (Soviet Sonar copy).

So my question is with a budget of up to £350 what Bessa might I buy?
I love my R3A.

For wide lenses you might be better off with an R4A as it has wide angle framelines. Even the R4A framelines only go as wide as 21mm, though, so for the 15mm you may need a separate viewfinder. The other problem is that R4As seem to be rarer secondhand.

For the 50mm the R2A or R2M (depending whether you want AE or not) have the 50mm framelines (the R3A/R3M has 40mm) and with patience you should be able to find a used one under £300. There's an R2A on Ebay at the moment - item no 321312005858 - I don't have any connection with the seller.
R3A, super duper luvverly camera.... Why oh why did I sell mine..
I love my R3A.

For wide lenses you might be better off with an R4A as it has wide angle framelines. Even the R4A framelines only go as wide as 21mm, though, so for the 15mm you may need a separate viewfinder. The other problem is that R4As seem to be rarer secondhand.

For the 50mm the R2A or R2M (depending whether you want AE or not) have the 50mm framelines (the R3A/R3M has 40mm) and with patience you should be able to find a used one under £300. There's an R2A on Ebay at the moment - item no 321312005858 - I don't have any connection with the seller.

Thanks Roger, lots to think about there, i'll have a look at the ebay link. I have a seperate viewfinder for the 15mm so the wide frameline will be less of an issue.

R3A, super duper luvverly camera.... Why oh why did I sell mine..

Andy, sounds like you need to buy a Bessa too!
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One day Adrian, one day.

I used the 40mm nokton lens and although not massively wide, it was the sweetest, sharpest little lens.
R2 is good enough Adrian, only difference is AE really and is it worth it when the top panel is so bloody ugly on the 3? Nip round and you're welcome to borrow mine for a month or so to see how you get on - I'm going to be busy with the Leica and half frame stuff for a while :D

PS - nowt as wideangle as two eyes open... why a separate vf?
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You'll still need your external viewfinder with the 15mm whichever you go for. I found my R3A an excellent camera. I was happy with it but eventually traded up to a Leica M6.
I've just been to Real Camera in Manchester and they have a Voigtlander Bessa R2s which takes Nikon fit rangefinder lenses. Never seen it before, very tempting.
Nikon RF stuff is quite an expensive hobby to get into; bear in mind. Try to price up a clean SP and 50mm f/1.4!
Nikon S is basically Contax RF (and Kiev) really (mostly) - the adapter is a scary price (around £135).
Even so, I'd only really invest in M39/M-mount when it comes to rangefinders unless you have a real love of the Nikon RF stuff (and there are some serious collectors of that kit).
Like I said, the adapter alone (for M) is a scary price let alone the lenses...
R2 is good enough Adrian, only difference is AE really and is it worth it when the top panel is so bloody ugly on the 3? Nip round and you're welcome to borrow mine for a month or so to see how you get on - I'm going to be busy with the Leica and half frame stuff for a while :D

PS - nowt as wideangle as two eyes open... why a separate vf?
Cheers Arthur, I might take you up on that offer. I think All I need is a basic M mount body so the R2 looks a good option. As to the separate Viewfinder I use with the Bessa L and the 15mm you are right your eyes are a wide angle viewfinder but it is very easy to end up with shots 'on the tilt' without it it so I really only use it to keep the camera level.
The eye thing was just a reference to the 1:1 vf image Adrian, so you can look through but still see everything.

If you are happy with the LTM lenses you use (or can get) on your Bessa L, why not save some money and get a good condition Bessa R?

You can then put the rest of your budget towards another lens etc.

Just my opinion.

Shane :)
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Thanks Shane, it is an M mount camera I'm considering though
Thanks Shane, it is an M mount camera I'm considering though
I'm still not sure why you're set on getting an m-mount camera rather than the Bessa R which you can use your screw mount lenses with. If all you want is a viewfinder then surely the R fits the bill?
Nick, it's a fair question. At present I am enjoying the simplicity of the. Bessa L and in many respects the Bessa R would be the logical choice. The simple fact is that I just fancy an M mount body, I have the adaptor for the Heliar. I spend lots of time at work doing the logical thing and enjoy being less so in the little time I have away from toil. Strange but true:)