Why we chose our username.


Jeremy Beadle
My name is Mal not Jeremy :)
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There are some very imaginative, odd, and strange usernames on this forum, I sometimes wonder if there is a story or reason behind some of them.
I'll start with mine, it refers to a Dawes Galaxy touring bike I am in the middle of restoring.
How about the rest of you?.

I have no idea if this thread has been done before.
Mine comes from my golfing prowess (or lack thereof), pretty dull really.

I've often wondered where Janice got her username from. :thinking: :D
My user name is ....[where to start] :LOL: Its basically a Nickname.
As I'm called Adele - Most people call me Del or Delly.
My friend at college called Lucy [there was me and her in physics] had a nickname from school called Lucifer :D and because there was always me and her it was always Lucifer and Dellipher - We decided to spell mine Dellipher rather than Delifer - cos it looked better :LOL::LOL:
Rather imaginatively, mine is HanC because my name is Hannah and people call me Han, and my surname is Collins, hence the C!:D
No idea why I chose it other than its one of my favourite films :D

Dark Star

John Carpenter's first and best :D
When I was younger I modelled my footballing style against that of Martin 'Mad Dog' Allen and it kind of stuck.:D
Mine's just both my names shortened and stuck together.
aren't I! :LOL:
Well I'm struggling with this one, ummm, name, I wonder :thinking: :naughty: :LOL:
I read loads of science fiction books, mines the name of one of the lesser gods in the Raymond E Feist novels, also known as the prankster, the artful dodger or the nightstalker.
When my son was a toddler he spent weeks wobbling round the house going "gub-gub-gub" and became known to us as "Mr Gubby".

When I started playing Quake & joining forums on the net I called myself "MrGubby" (I wanted to be called "The Sock of Fear" in Quake but it was too long)
real life nickname, short for George up here, no idea why.
bulb is the random part of my name (wish I'd chosen something different :LOL:). 763 refers to the world land speed record, held by Thrust SSC, the story of which I had not long finished reading before I first needed a forum username. Awesome book BTW (y)
Mine's a 35 year old nickname i earnt after a set-to involving an annoying brother, an axe and a bedroom window. :nuts:
when I first joined a forum it never occured to me to be anything other than me. So there it was, darren was just too dull and some other sod had daz and dazza. J and L are the other initials.

I did once join a civic type R board to do a little fishing as R-swipe though. :naughty:
Mine comes from an old saying my dear old dad used to call one of his mates who liked the odd snifter, and he,d say somthing like "im off to meet Boozybill" :beer:
mmcp comes from my initials (Mike McP) and the 42 got added because mmcp is never available as a username
42? - life, the universe and everything, of course!
mines just a combination of my name and where I lived, kevin and foulridge
Are we sitting comfortably? then I'll begin...

Many many years ago (well ten actually) when I made my first foray into online gaming I was called something else.. The game was a flight sim called air attack, you flew about in wwii fighters shooting at other players. I was crap. In those days there were two types of game arena, rookies and seniors, the seniors used to come into rookies to practice by 'beating up' on the rookies (you still there? I thought I heard snoring?) There were Squads ( other games call them clans) and one such squad was called [Godz], [Godz]Killer [Godz]MacWedd, that kind of thing. Anyway they always seemed to be shooting me down and I had a great idea, I'd change my name to St Peter and then they wouldn't shoot me (hah so much for bright ideas), the name stuck and I used it for years until one day I got an email (genuine) from a woman who thought I was a catholic priest from a church called St Peters asking for help with something. I decided it might be best to change the name after that so I shortened it to St.P and again used that for a while but folk being folk started to call me STeeP, I've been Steep ever since and use the same nick everywhere on the net I lay my hat.

/me tiptoes out to avoid waking everyone ::)

P.S. AA is still going strong in case anyone feels like a flutter on http://www.airattack-central.com/
well mine is my new website address i have just brought.

and my old name '400duser' well you will never guess!!

you are right i had a 400d!!!
Its my Xbox Live Gamertag. I invented it for use on first person shooters, so when I killed someone on the game, it would say "You were killed by Food Poison"
Kind of stuck, and I use it for everything now.
I like the fact that you two Norfolk lads have 'mad' in your usernames! I should have themed mine the same!

My username is just the first 5 letters of my hotmail address (which poses the question why does my hotmail address start bongo I suppose :) ).

The answer to that is someone 'stole' my original email address so for a new one I just added 'bongo' to my name to help people remember it (it was 9 years ago!)

Hope no-one fell into a coma while reading that riveting story!
If it's Digital, i'm either crap at it or I can break it

so, in all honesty, I'm a digitalfailure
Mine comes from when i used to work in a large office. I always used to take beef and fresh chilli or chicken and fresh chilli sandwiches for lunch, and always had a jar of chillis on my desk :eek:
No need to worry Mark, I'm as good a shot with an axe as i am with a camera.

The little sod ducked and it went through the window ;)

:thinking: Some of Mitchs shots are stunning :D
Mine is the first letters from my full name. Ge**** Rod*** S***.
Mine is fairly obvious really. I have been a denizen of the highlands for most of my life and , even when I wasn't, I was referred to him that was "up north" or him that "came from up north" whenever I went on a southern raid (;)) - virtually any sport I have partaken in has had no Highland competition unless i arranged it or helped bring it north so was always the most traveled competitor (or at least perceived as such).

The number of Highlanders on this forum kinda makes it a little redundant but nonetheless I am him up north to most of you.

But the real name is Gary. (y)
My favorite band since I was a teenager has always been Marillion. The B side to the 12 inch version of the first single they released (back in 1981 :eek:) was a 17 minute 40 second epic called Grendel. It is actually a musical adaptation of the Anglo Saxon poem Beowulf. The story has recently been released as a film, staring another hero of mine, Anthony Hopkins.

The poem Beowulf is believed to be one of Tolkien's major influences.
Mines like an old family heirloom. It started with my grandfather who ran a taxi company, then onto my father and now I've picked it up.

Still awake??