Willow Emerald Damselflies

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A common understanding as to the decision on is it a Dragonfly or a Damselfly is decided by the rest position of the wings, 90 degrees to the body = Dragonfly, along the line of the body = Damselfly, so, as always there is an exception to the rule. The (Chalco) lestes species of Damsels, in this case the Chalcolestes viridis, the Willow Emerald Damselfly rests its wings at 45 degrees to the body, Taken today at lac Montbel, Aude, S. France.

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Good capture Mark well done
Thanks Les, was one of those shots, I had lined up to shoot a Violet Dropwing dragonfly that was on the top of the grass stem, then these two came in and it left so I just shifted down the stem and got the shot, sometimes its right place right time :)
Great image ;)
That's a lovely shot Mark :D It looks like a stunt from Mission Impossible :D Well done.