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Hi, just wondered what people think of this shot, don't worry i'm thick skinned so please be honest.:)

Beautiful landscape! It's very interesting and I'm sure it was overwhelming to view live!
When I first looked it seemed hazy or oof. After looking more closely it was just the clouds that had given it that effect. I find that it's a bit too dark along the bank / tree line and there is too much foreground! I imagine you maybe wanted this to reflect the sky - but, sometimes less is more!

Still a very nice photo though!
Beautiful light to this, I would experiment with the crop tool to see the various differing views of this, very nice though.
i like it, i think the dark tree line and foreground make the pic look a bit dark and moody.

Thanks for the comments guys, i was trying to reflect the sky i just wish the water was a little bit calmer ! will play with the crop and see what i can come up with.
Sometimes it is hard to decide whether to go with more water or more sky. In this case they are equally as beautiful so doing half and half works in this instance. I dont find it too dark along the treeline (monitors can be very different though) and I like that the hills on the right side have light on them, which contrasts nicely with the bit of darkness on the other side. It has a bit of a painterly quality. Very nicely done.