Woodland Macro - what size reflector do I need?

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Hello All,
I'm very new to Macro photography as such I thought you guys might be able to assist me, i'm looking to do a little bit of woodland macro photography, I'm thinking pine cones, fungi and maybe some invertebrates. I have picked up a 100mm 2.8 lens and to this end I know I'll need to some additional lighting, so I have picked up a potable LED lamp. I also think I would be well positioned to pick up a reflector of some sort one of those 3 in 1's or 5 in 1's. So here is my question. Ideally I'd like to keep weight/bulk down, what would your recommendation for a reflector, Is a small one 30cm just as good as say 60cm? Circular or triangle shaped? is there a difference in brands?

Thanks in advance.

@moderators - Not sure if this was an equipment thread or macro please move for me if i'm wrong thank you.
Off camera flash with diffuser / reflector panel and a radio trigger - is my macro lighting kit

I too have a 100mm f2.8 lens and use a Nissin Di700 flash with diffuser and trigger to place the flash off camera to give me more control on light direction and power

like this


Les :)
I do for most things tbh, but there’s a company asking me to do some stuff for them but they need jpegs to sell them images on the spot so, no time for editing, so was really just trying to see what the camera can do, and it’s limitations are.
Defiantly of camera flash as for the size of reflector use what suits the job in hand? I use white card and carry scissors.

Ps nice shot Les

Thank you Mart :)

I used a Flash bender for that shot attached the to flash - its a mini soft box

I have also used white card - cheap and cheerful :)

link- https://www.amazon.co.uk/Rogue-Flas...9Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU=

Part of the problem is getting the light in the right place. Off camera flash is probably the best way, but can be a bit tricky to achieve. Not technically, as that's quite simple. But more a case of, maybe having to shoot one handed (a flash bracket would solve this though) or finding somewhere to place the flash.
I use a couple of different ways to get light onto the subject, I use an on camera flash with a Pringle tube extender, that's got some horticultural fleece on the end as a diffuser or I use a mini softbox.
I'm using a 150mm macro lens, so I have a good working distance from my subject, this also makes it a bit easier to get light onto the subject, without the end of the lens hood getting in the way.
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Part of the problem is getting the light in the right place. Off camera flash is probably the best way, but can be a bit tricky to achieve. Not technically, as that's quite simple. But more a case of, maybe having to shoot one handed (a flash bracket would solve this though) or finding somewhere to place the flash.
I use a couple of different ways to get light onto the subject, I use an on camera flash with a Pringle tube extender, that's got some horticultural fleece on the end as a diffuser or I use a mini softbox.
I'm using a 150mm macro lens, so I have a good working distance from my subject, this also makes it a bit easier to get light onto the subject, without the end of the lens hood getting in the way.

Thanks Dominic, I suppose my original question has mutated to what flash do I need (can a cheapo £30 do the job) If off Camera do I need a trigger? I assume yes.
Looks like a diffuser is popular, and that can be constructed at home by the looks of things! I love the pringles tube idea! Cant stand them myself but i know someone who does lol
Thanks Dominic, I suppose my original question has mutated to what flash do I need (can a cheapo £30 do the job) If off Camera do I need a trigger? I assume yes.
Looks like a diffuser is popular, and that can be constructed at home by the looks of things! I love the pringles tube idea! Cant stand them myself but i know someone who does lol

Off camera flash units - ( some not all) - can be triggered using the on camera flash if you have one built in - the trick is to cover the on board flash with tissue to mute the amount
of light being emitted as it would compromise the light from the off camera unit ( if that makes sense?)

Best advice - invest moor money in the off camera unit than 30 quid if your budget allows?

I use 2 of these- https://www.wexphotovideo.com/nissin-di700-air-flashgun-and-commander-bundle-nikon-1569549/ but in Sony mount, the one trigger can in fact control up to 3 separate flash units

Obviously your budget does come into this- and other makes are available of course - I just happen to use Nissin Di 700's

Les :)
Thanks for the info Lez, I use a pentax K-1 so it doesn't have an inbuilt flash :( ... I'm not sure how serious I'm going to take Macro, so i'm trying to do things on a shoestring budget for now, as I might not come back to it until next autumn :) The following is the kinda shot I'd like to be able to produce... View: https://flic.kr/p/WhMTj9
-- The flash might come in useful for the future, but for now, I'm thinking cheaper the better.
Thanks for the info Lez, I use a pentax K-1 so it doesn't have an inbuilt flash :( ... I'm not sure how serious I'm going to take Macro, so i'm trying to do things on a shoestring budget for now, as I might not come back to it until next autumn :) The following is the kinda shot I'd like to be able to produce... View: https://flic.kr/p/WhMTj9
-- The flash might come in useful for the future, but for now, I'm thinking cheaper the better.

Not like that image- its very soft focus wise lol - yes use a reflector to direct light onto subjects it does work

I used a 3ft x 3ft white board to get this lit correctly :)


Les :)
That's lovely Les, I can't be carrying around with me a 3ft by 3ft board though. I'm thinking 30cm circular reflector :)

Yes that would work. The collapsible type very good. With changeable colours like the silver and gold are very good

I use one in my studio for portraits etc

Les :)
I'm new around here so apologise if I'm repeating knowledge - I use the bits of card from cakes in the supermarket, so I have a small silver one and a small gold one. They are great for macro when you need to provide a small lift to the base of mushrooms etc without spending money.
I'm new around here so apologise if I'm repeating knowledge - I use the bits of card from cakes in the supermarket, so I have a small silver one and a small gold one. They are great for macro when you need to provide a small lift to the base of mushrooms etc without spending money.
I use the cardboard and polystyrene discs from the bottom of pizza's
I'm new around here so apologise if I'm repeating knowledge - I use the bits of card from cakes in the supermarket, so I have a small silver one and a small gold one. They are great for macro when you need to provide a small lift to the base of mushrooms etc without spending money.
How exactly do you do that?