How do hedgehogs mate?

who Mrs P has named "Benson" (...and Hedges?),

It's curious the first time I saw one, it was also hoovering up spilt bird seed,
I'm guessing this is the most available food in gardens, and they have adapted to it.

As above dog meat, peanuts, mealworms, seem to be favourite.
I've tried various fruits, but it turns its nose up, preferring the bread or other pastry bits that I throw out
Late at night for the early birds.

edited to add, don't forget a water source, mine drinks from the shallow end of the pond.
And in case you don't know, no bread and milk.
They are lactose intolerant.
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Got to be softer then his/her needles :D
That's why it has a bed of leaves,
and a handful of straw that I left out the other night, was quickly snaffled too :D
I just learnt that they prefer insects and worms and dog food to fruit, shame as we have plenty of dropped fruit, and apparently mealworms are not ideal too. Planning to do some garden work to create a most suitable environment for it in the hope it'll stay and more will come, one way or another.
I'm wondering if we are set for a harsh winter, although the long range forecast says no.
My hedgehog bag is bulging, I have a large sack of synthetic wool fibre / floss that I use to make pond filters.

I left a good handful near hoggy's home the other evening, it is now all in the bag.
I hope it doesn't stick to his spines, or he will look rather silly wandering about, wearing it.
But he certainly getting ready to hunker down.
My adjoining neighbour said that she had what she thought was small animal droppings, on her lawn, could I take a look in case they were rat?

I quickly confirmed that they were hedgehog.
That solved a little mystery that I had.
For weeks the hedgehogs(s?) had been crapping all over my patio, a nightmare to shift once they were sun baked.
There have been none for quite awhile, it seems that Hoggy now has the decency not to crap in his own back yard :D

He gets up about 8pm, eats half his food, and wanders off down the garden.
There must be a gap somewhere, I guess its behind the shed, but I can't see where, as its tight up against the fence.

He uses the loo next door comes back, and eats the rest of the food.
And is usually back in bed by 2am.

I know when he's out and when he's in.
The afore mentioned "scrunchies" that he stole, and stuffed in his home, one is used as a door.
When he's out, so is one of them.

When he's home, he pulls it in behind him to block the tunnel entrance in the bag.
Smart Hoggy.

It seems that Hoggies sleep about 16-18 hours hours a day,
That would seem about right, going on his antics.
There must be a gap somewhere, I guess it’s behind the shed, but I can't see where, as it’s his is your fieltight up against the fence.

This is your area of expertise I know,but under the shed, or has it a solid base? I had one nesting under a wooden shed possibly following an old rat tunnel. With one of my other sheds the rats that lived in my neighbours‘ compost heap used to tunnel about 4 feet from there to access the underneath of my shed so I wouldn’t notice they were back after my hens‘ feed — crafty :LOL:
This is your area of expertise I know,but under the shed, or has it a solid base?
Solid base.
The only other possibility that its climbing over the ( 6 foot) fence, but I doubt it.
As I've only ever seen that once, early last summer, and it was a different hog, I'm sure.
This one is quite shy, the other was very brazen.
Solid base.
The only other possibility that its climbing over the ( 6 foot) fence, but I doubt it.
As I've only ever seen that once, early last summer, and it was a different hog, I'm sure.
This one is quite shy, the other was very brazen.

They are supposed to be good climbers but I’ve never seen it. Could it be going the long way round via your front garden, they do crross roads — or at least try to judging by the “evidence” :(
Could it be going the long way round via your front garden,
Having no side entrance puts paid to that :D
As before there has to be a gap in the fence behind the shed somewhere.
Having no side entrance puts paid to that :D
As before there has to be a gap in the fence behind the shed somewhere.

It’s time to buy a trail cam ;)
It’s time to buy a trail cam ;)
Not really, as before I lose sight once it enters the fern garden, on its way behind the shed.
Not really, as before I lose sight once it enters the fern garden, on its way behind the shed.

I was thinking you could use it to view behind the shed but maybe not. Or put it in various likely places. I think you’ll have put a tracker on little beastie :LOL:
I really didn't think there was any more room left in the Hog bag.
But he's proved me wrong.
He's still collecting bedding, from where ever he can.

Animals seem to have a knack of predicting cold winters, Like the bears at Whipsnade that dig dens in the compound,
even though they have warm quarters to sleep in.

The long range forecast is for a mild winter, I guess hoggy doesn't watch the same programs as me,
and has his own ideas about what will happen...
Animals seem to have a knack of predicting cold winters, Like the bears at Whipsnade that dig dens in the compound,
even though they have warm quarters to sleep in.

The long range forecast is for a mild winter, I guess hoggy doesn't watch the same programs as me,
and has his own ideas about what will happen...

I think the basic plan of most animals is “hope for the best, plan for the worst”. I say “most animals“ because clearly it doesn’t include us, judging by much current attitudes which seem not to have changed since Louis XV and “après moi le déluge”

Speaking of “déluge”, is there any chance of Heggie getting flooded in v heavy rainfall, any drainage holes in the bag? . I know you said you have a big roof overhang but water has a nasty habit of flowing where you least expect it in a deluge :(
Speaking of “déluge”, is there any chance of Heggie getting flooded in v heavy rainfall, any drainage holes in the bag?
No drainage holes, and no he's well sheltered, on 3 sides, inc. the top.
If on the rare occasion the wind & rain blows / drives from the S.E. ( the prevailing is west by south west) I made a small waterproof construction, that I can place in front and over the hoggy bag.
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I used to put out Hoggy's food at twilight, until I saw moggy helping itself!
Now I put food out when its dark, and a lot closer to his home, than when I first saw him scrounging food ( fallen bird seed) further down the garden.

It's very dark here by 8pm. and he doesn't normally appear till around 10pm.
I went out at 8 with his food, and there he was pacing up and down the patio, tapping his fingers.

It seems he is beginning to accept me, normally when the outside light goes on, he's off down the garden at Mach 3.
into the fern bed.
But yesterday, he just stood and stared, at the audacity of being served late.... Bad parent!
Once the food was down, he was on it like fly's on poo.

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Well, that explains quite a lot!
For a couple of weeks I've suspected they maybe another hedgehog, nipping in and clearing up Hoggies left overs.

Hearing a noise from the hoggy bag, I went to investigate.
And there were two pups checking out the wide world.
There maybe more I don't know.
It seems it not uncommon for them to have a second litter Sept. Oct.
I wonder if she did, have a first, but somewhere else. I'll guess I never know.
But for now I've learned not to assume gender :D

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No comment :exit:

It's late in the year, hope they toughen up before winter sets in :)
They look big enough to have been weaned, they have a snug bag to hibernate in ( I think I better build and extension :D )
And plenty of food ad lib.
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They look big enough to have been weaned, they have a snug bag to hibernate in ( I think I better build and extension :D )
And plenty of food ad lib.

Any idea If hedgehogs ever hibernate together, I’ve not heard of it.
These will, Chris is feeding :LOL:

I’m not sure what he’s up to! I think the wretched ant-murderer could be fattening them up for a hog roast clay-bake at (the forthcoming unmentionable here) time of year.
I’m not sure what he’s up to! I think the wretched ant-murderer could be fattening them up for a hog roast clay-bake at (the forthcoming unmentionable here) time of year.
As an offering to the Gods of the under world at Halloween?? :runaway:


Shhh... The Grinch may wake up..

Is it to late to add Ales to the hogs diet to make the meat taste better???

Any idea If hedgehogs ever hibernate together, I’ve not heard of it.
I thought they were largely solitary creatures, so I would also doubt it.

These will, Chris is feeding :LOL:
They know where they are well off.

I think the wretched ant-murderer could be fattening them up for a hog
The hogs aren't destroying my lawn or chewing to roots off plants, they are most welcome to stay (y)
As an offering to the Gods of the under world at Halloween?? :runaway:
I have a few people lined up for that :D
I've just been Watching Mum taking the kiddies for a walk.
All Five of them.

They are smaller than they first appeared.
So they might not be weaned just yet.
You can tell the nights are getting colder,
none of this wandering around the estate, they are coming out to feed around 8pm.
by 8:30pm, they have fed, and are back in bed, with the door shut.

For a size comparison, its feeding off a lid from a small take-away container,
and would probably fit in the palm of my hand

You can tell the nights are getting colder,
none of this wandering around the estate, they are coming out to feed around 8pm.
by 8:30pm, they have fed, and are back in bed, with the door shut.

For a size comparison, its feeding off a lid from a small take-away container,
and would probably fit in the palm of my hand

View attachment 404048

One showed up on my security camera scampering across my driveway at midnight yesterday -- going at a fair lick though not pursued, maybe trying to keep warm!
Or going back to bed where ever that maybe.

I think maybe it was just crossing ‘open ground‘ quickly because it stopped as it reached the grass & leaves. My garden is a paradise for slugs and hedgehogs now my ducks have gone and previous terrier died, I don’t think my present bitch will tackle hoggies, too nesh, pigeons and rodents are of more interest to he, though she might tackle a postman if she got a chance :(.
I'll have the midnight meat feast and a side order of mealworms for the sprog, thanks.

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What's the old saying? 2 two's company ...
Not the best image through the appalling weather last night.

But at least I'm still counting 5 + mum.
They are growing fast and eating me out of house and home, I wonder if they'll stay or make their own way in the world, shortly.

Fussy hogs.

I ran out of the usual dog food ( it's nothing special) yesterday,
so got a small tin of something else, from the local shop, just to tide me over until I could get the usual one.
They never ate any of it, just the mealworms, kibble, nuts & seeds.

I stocked up today, and they got their usual one, it was gone in minutes,
so a second helping was supplied.

I'm beginning to think 3 have left home, I'm only seeing mum + 2 recently, and one of those is a bit of a runt,
but feeding well.