North England Arse about Face..

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As the title suggest I may have jumped the gun a tad (ok I missed the welcome forum by a mile to be honest) I've been looking for a font of knowledge having just discovered a love of wandering around with too much kit taking daft snaps of things which seem entirely random but somehow resonate with something deep within my spiritual core.

I'm from a little village called Euxton (pronounced Exton but I call it Yuxton cos that's how I roll) which is near Chorley which in turn is near Preston oh sod it let's just say I'm from Manchester because most folk know where that is at least.

I have no desire to be a Pro or to earn a crust from my little light capturing boxes I just enjoy it, I don't even understand 95% of what my gear does which I know will make some of you shudder, spit on the floor and turn in 3 anti clockwise circles whilst crossing yourselves and muttering "in the name of the iso, the f stop and the holy glass amen" I may at some point click a dial or squidge a button experimentally after reading something sage and wise upon these very virtual walls, then again I may just P* everything to infinity and beyond.

I'm polite and good humoured and welcome any advice and criticism, I won't get in to flame wars, rage quit or troll, anywho enough about me. in order to give a flavour of what I do and what appeals to me (in a broad sense as pretty much everything does to a degree) here are some pikkitures from my flickr thingy that I personally like the best, they aren't my most viewed or fav'd but the ones that give me that warm fuzzy bokeh feeling inside.

Raising a toast to the giver of light.
by Kieron Shepherd, on Flickr

Self Portrait.
by Kieron Shepherd, on Flickr

This is England.
by Kieron Shepherd, on Flickr

by Kieron Shepherd, on Flickr

China Crisis.
by Kieron Shepherd, on Flickr

P.S biggest peeve is with folks who don't have a title for a picture, if a shot doesn't inspire you to think about it beyond DSC.100W03AXEM then what feelings do you expect it to generate in others?
Hi and welcome to TP

The way I see your posted pictures is that they show what I would call 'seen scenes' of a photographers eye.

Keep it up and enjoy what you get out of the "boxes & glass" :)

Edit - talking of image names, I did that for all my exhibition pictures, 500px and Flickr but I am lazier about those I post here ;)
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Way hey Mam. I come from Euxton, most definitely Exton not Youxton. That's what suvveners call it, after the station!
Lived within spitting distance of the Bay Horse till I got wed. Where abouts are you? On Buckshaw? Our family farm was on there till Hitler arrived and they needed a site for a munitions factory.

Don't wory about not knowing what most of your camera does - we're all in that boat!

P.S. I agree with your P.S.
Hi Kieron, And welcome aboard TP."Enjoy".
Welcome. (Wello?) Nice monkey.

I won't get in to flame wars, rage quit or troll
Er.. is this a challenge? We'll soon wear you down. Your new to TP aren't you? I'm sure the lads will be along soon to test you.

P.S biggest peeve is with folks who don't have a title for a picture, if a shot doesn't inspire you to think about it beyond DSC.100W03AXEM then what feelings do you expect it to generate in others?
Peeve? Well we have found the first chink in the armour.

Actually, personally I don't care about renaming pictures. The file name to me is a totally separate entity. It's the visual part that counts for me. A fancy name could look like I was trying to add a message that the picture failed to do. So the more scrappy and random the file name, the more understatement. But we're all different.

Maybe you'd like to start a thread with a poll, asking about this. Stimulate a discussion?

And finally, mention 'art' here at your peril.
Way hey Mam. I come from Euxton, most definitely Exton not Youxton. That's what suvveners call it, after the station!
Lived within spitting distance of the Bay Horse till I got wed. Where abouts are you? On Buckshaw? Our family farm was on there till Hitler arrived and they needed a site for a munitions factory.

Don't wory about not knowing what most of your camera does - we're all in that boat!

P.S. I agree with your P.S.

Small world :D That was quite a munitions factory so I'm guessing it was quite a farm!! I'm in Euxton itself, Balshaw Lane by the station or if we're using the good old pre google maps pub co ordinates I'm just down the road from the Talbot, thanks all for the warm welcome.
Welcome. (Wello?) Nice monkey.

Er.. is this a challenge? We'll soon wear you down. Your new to TP aren't you? I'm sure the lads will be along soon to test you.

Peeve? Well we have found the first chink in the armour.

Actually, personally I don't care about renaming pictures. The file name to me is a totally separate entity. It's the visual part that counts for me. A fancy name could look like I was trying to add a message that the picture failed to do. So the more scrappy and random the file name, the more understatement. But we're all different.

Maybe you'd like to start a thread with a poll, asking about this. Stimulate a discussion?

And finally, mention 'art' here at your peril.

Well a peeve is a minor thing and I agree with you to a degree, some pictures positively scream a message that few cannot fail to see / read, others might be more subtle or may be more personally linked to the takers sense of humour and perspective on life.

I've already seen mention of the A word and I'm going to swerve it at all costs, do like your idea on the poll / debate on titling although I'm sure it's already been done due to the depth and breadth of topics apparent here, I'll have a search and see what I can dig up, if I do create one you can be sure I'll credit you in it's creation because that's what artist's do, they support one another after all.
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Small world :D That was quite a munitions factory so I'm guessing it was quite a farm!! I'm in Euxton itself, Balshaw Lane by the station or if we're using the good old pre google maps pub co ordinates I'm just down the road from the Talbot, thanks all for the warm welcome.
Biggest munitions factory in Europe or so we were told - 7 square miles! Grandfather vwas just a tennant farmer so landowner got most of the compo. Grandfather got diddly squat and a job making Centurion tanks in Leyland.
Balshaw Lane station was closed after Beeching came along but the infrastructure remained in situ so it was relatively easy for them to reconstruct when traffic built up again.
I've been away since 1974 but it's still "home" to me.
Welcome to the forum Kieron :welcome:
Welcome from another Chorleian! Just round the corner on Buckshaw!

Thanks for the welcome Andy, just taken a look at your site and loved it, there's a good few places that I've got fond memories of, my family background is rooted in Leyland, ROF, BTR, Leyland and Birmingham and I currently work at Trucks myself.
Hi Kieron and a warm welcome to TP, glad you found the welcome bit :D
Hope you enjoy yourself here :)