weekly Boots' 52 for 2024

Week 18 - Straight

For a canal in my neck of the woods, this is pretty straight

Fairly Straight.JPG
I like structure, what an interesting find.

Really nice clear reflections in Straight, nicely done.
Pretty straight, and pretty good! A nice relaxing image. One of those long straight canal barges would have been an interesting addition maybe...
I like structure, what an interesting find.

Really nice clear reflections in Straight, nicely done.

Thanks Nick!

Pretty straight, and pretty good! A nice relaxing image. One of those long straight canal barges would have been an interesting addition maybe...

Thanks Bob! Yes, a canal boat would have helped - where are they when you need one?
Week 19 - Bent and Technique - Minimalist

This may look like just a piece of heavy gauge wire bent into a right angle - and it is. But it is also a specifically designed and fabricated (if use of that term is forgivable) to perform a task. Let me explain.

We have two cats. We have had them since they were kittens. In those two years they have found (so far) three ways to get into the service space behind and below the kitchen cupboards.
i) When they were tiny, they could squeeze through a 1" x 2" gap in the base of a corner cupboard. We then blocked that.
ii) Then they found they could jump up onto the tall cupboard and drop down the gap at the back - about 6' - into the service space. We then blocked that.
iii) Then they found that if we left the drawer below the sink open, they could jump into the drawer, jump out the back of the drawer, over the backboard and into the service space. We try not to leave that drawer open.

Great fun! Except they can't get out of the service space. They just mew pitifully.

We then initiate Operation De-plinth, for which this tool is designed, to pull the plinth away and release the cat(s) - when they eventually decide to come out, obviously.

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Damn cats eh? But they have given you the chance to get a very nice take on the theme. Very crisp and certainly minimal.
Straight: Love the reflections and nice leading (straightish) line
Bent: Fabulous back story, made me smile.
Yep - that be an arch! *Tick!
That says it all at the moment! Nicely captured and lovely colour.
Great picture! I'm playing catch-up at the moment and I thought I would see what everyone else has done and it's not too dissimilar! :ROFLMAO:
Arches - you're right, it is an arch but the combination of B&W and the unusual framing make you have to work just slightly harder to see it, which in turn makes it more interesting
Weather - Can't go wrong with drops on glass, no matter how many I see I always pause to look!
Another good shot! Wish I'd checked the threads before I took mine :oops: :$

Arches - you're right, it is an arch but the combination of B&W and the unusual framing make you have to work just slightly harder to see it, which in turn makes it more interesting
Weather - Can't go wrong with drops on glass, no matter how many I see I always pause to look!

Thank you both!