CCC equivalent for PC?

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After a bit of deliberation, I have had a bit of rejig of my setup and now have a pc for home editing as well as a macbook for when I'm away. I'm now planning on backing up my storage using the PC instead of my macbook as it's much easier to leave running etc. Does anybody have any suggestions for software that would allow me to backup any changes from my main external drive to a 2nd external drive - both formatted in ExFAT? I would normally use CCC but is there a cost effective equivalent that others use for PC? Cheers in advance :)
GoodSync will be able to do that, works across Windows, Mac and Linux

About £25 for a personal licence, which allows it to be used on up to 5 devices at once.

I have been using this program myself for the last 15 years or so.
Thank you all!! I'm wondering if I should consider a backup option that keeps deleted / previous versions of files too - rather than just mirroring. A bit like Time Machine - I'm not sure if that's called incremental backup?
Yes! But they seem to be hard to find in Windowland...
Yes! But they seem to be hard to find in Windowland...
Mirroring it might just have to be then :). So many options, thanks folks
Free file sync.

You can set it so that it only copies files from your hard drive to external drive and does not delete the original file if it gets deleted on the hard drive
You can set it so that it only copies files from your hard drive to external drive and does not delete the original file if it gets deleted on the hard drive

Sync folder has an option not to delete the files in the target that do not exist in the source, which means you can add to the same backup from different sources.
IMHO mirroring is a bad way to backup, if a file gets corrupted it will copy that corrupted file over at the next backup.
Yes, I agree - and I imagine it can take sometime before you might discover that some of your files are corrupt and even the incremental backup would need to have quite some space / back catalogue. I have a 8TB drive at my disposal to backup my very important 2.5TB of files - but I do have a fairly large turnover of files / deletions.
GoodSync will be able to do that, works across Windows, Mac and Linux

About £25 for a personal licence, which allows it to be used on up to 5 devices at once.

I have been using this program myself for the last 15 years or so.

I've actually found that GoodSync analyses and reports the changes before the sync / mirroring which is handy as if I keep eagle eyes I should be able to see any unexpected changes / and therefor potential corruptions each time before I do a backup. (updates to folders I didn't make changes to)
I have been using it for 15 years or so now without complaint

There are a very comprehensive set of settings to enable you to set it up to suit most scenarios.

It can even be set to keep a certain number of versions of the same file, so should something go awry you will always have, say, the last 5 versions of said file. (hope that made sense)
I have been using it for 15 years or so now without complaint

There are a very comprehensive set of settings to enable you to set it up to suit most scenarios.

It can even be set to keep a certain number of versions of the same file, so should something go awry you will always have, say, the last 5 versions of said file. (hope that made sense)
Ahh, I didn't see that setting!! I must read into that feature. I do love how it it summarises the changes the latest sync will carry out before it does them!! A very clear and informative console - I do like it. Thanks!!
I have used Carbon Copy Cloner for years to back up my Macs.

After years of trying to find a Windows equivalent that gives me the same confidence, I gave a whoop of joy when the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) came along. Now, I just use a simple "rsync" script tp back up to and from the Windows machines (Carbon Copy Cloner was originally based on rsync).
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