Lovely stuff, Mark. A successful first outing for the new lens I'd say!

Great colours, reflection and cloud interest in the sky. Looking forward to seeing what else you can get with it.


Brilliant work and love the scene. Did you take any after the sun dipped as I reckon the colours would have been magic
Thanks Stephen, Alas not, the tide took control of the scene. Also thought I had what I needed.
Lovely stuff, Mark. A successful first outing for the new lens I'd say!

Great colours, reflection and cloud interest in the sky. Looking forward to seeing what else you can get with it.


Thanks Ian, I can see why you rave about it.
Striking scene and capture Mark, I was trying my best to photograph the Ship Graveyard in Purton, Gloucestershire last night, but the light was a super flat and the skies heavy and overcast. Looking westwards on the way home at the time of sunset, the skies had cleared somewhat, so looks like you really benefited from this. Very nice indeed.

"Excellent" shot Sir, nothing more to be said.(y)

That's a great picture Mark

Vlog to go with it ?
Excellent. Looking forward to seeing it.