Do you believe in serendipity?

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Maybe that's not quite the right word. As that is maybe more about good fortune rather than just chance. Coincidence, maybe.

Either way...

Last time we went to New York, we stayed in a hotel just around the corner from this fire station. This is Hook and Ladder 24.

Not claiming this is the best photo. But it was about the best I could do hand-held.

024.02 by Kell, on Flickr

Then, a couple of days later, as part of a tour, we went to ground zero. I was wondering about the significance of the flowers and we were told that they're placed in a name each day if it would have been that person's birthday. Got a quick grab shot and didn't even make any sort of connection until I was going through them afterwards.

Out of all the paces I could have stood, or people's names I could have captured, I managed to include Ladder 24 in this shot.

WTC - Birthday by Kell, on Flickr

Nothing more to add really. Moving experience.
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Wouldn't you know it....

We went to NYC a couple of weeks ago.

Took a shot of some parked-up fire-engines on a PAS camera and when I got the film developed, guess what number was on the one in the back.

Didn't spot that when I took the picture.

NYC RICOH-22 by Kell, on Flickr
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