Wild European Brown Bear


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Brown bears rely on their powerful sense of smell for survival in the wild! Their exceptional olfactory abilities play a crucial role in finding food, identifying potential mates, and navigating their environment. With an acute sense of smell, they can detect food from miles away, even buried under layers of snow or hidden in dense forests. This remarkable sense helps them locate carrion, berries, and other food sources, ensuring their well-being and maintaining a balanced ecosystem. Photographed earlier this week in the Carpathian Mountains.
"Excellent" wildlife style capture Des, pushes all the right buttons for me.
Superb! you must be over the moon about that!
Thank you.
Lovely shot, superb POV hoping to be able to graph these myself in the coming week!
Good luck, Joe.
"Excellent" wildlife style capture Des, pushes all the right buttons for me.
Many thanks.
Great image, although what do you do if Mr Bear decides you are to be dinner. Don't think I've have the nerve to get too close to one of these unless I was packing heat.
Cheers. Luckily, humans are not part of the menu. In fact, around 80% of the diet of European Brown Bears in this region consists of plants, such as berries.
It's a great picture Des and pretty much perfectly framed. Well done you :D