Hi All

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Good morning.
I'm Kev 54 from Northamptonshire.
I've had a camera for sometime and used on and off from time to time having no real idea what i was doing. The last month or so has seen my mental heath dropping.
It was suggested i take up a hobby or do something for me, and here we are :)
Welcome Kev. I'm also in Northants, Wellingborough. Photography and walking are alleged to be two of the better ways of fighting depression and anxiety, so it's a good idea that you've thought to re-engage with your camera. There's loads on this site to help you get a bit more idea of what you are doing, A good place to start is here

When you are comfortable with it, feel free to share your images either just sharing, or for guidance and suggestions on how to improve.
Hi Kev, And welcome aboard TP, looking forward to hearing from you and maybe seeing some of your images on the various forums. "Enjoy"
Welcome Kev. I'm also in Northants, Wellingborough. Photography and walking are alleged to be two of the better ways of fighting depression and anxiety, so it's a good idea that you've thought to re-engage with your camera. There's loads on this site to help you get a bit more idea of what you are doing, A good place to start is here

When you are comfortable with it, feel free to share your images either just sharing, or for guidance and suggestions on how to improve.
Welcome Kev. I'm also in Northants, Wellingborough. Photography and walking are alleged to be two of the better ways of fighting depression and anxiety, so it's a good idea that you've thought to re-engage with your camera. There's loads on this site to help you get a bit more idea of what you are doing, A good place to start is here

When you are comfortable with it, feel free to share your images either just sharing, or for guidance and suggestions on how to improve.
Its a small world. I'm still finding my feet on what route I want to take. weather its landscape, wildlife or so on.
Your absolutely right Lindsay, last wkend, I went for a walk around Hollowell headphones in not a care in the world. I've forgotten what its like to be alone with nature. We miss so much driving everywhere. my legs may disagree tho:D
The genre you photograph is not really important - just shoot anything that takes your eye, and you will gradually discover the things that turn you on and/or that you do better than others, then you can do more of that. It's a voyage of discovery, with surprises and challenges and rewards all over the place.
The genre you photograph is not really important - just shoot anything that takes your eye, and you will gradually discover the things that turn you on and/or that you do better than others, then you can do more of that. It's a voyage of discovery, with surprises and challenges and rewards all over the place.
That makes a lot of sense. until I found this forum I was using youtube for most of the time.. its been years since I've used a forum
Hi Kev, welcome to the forum, enjoy your self here ;)