Let's see your graffiti and street art shots

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I notice that there isn't a specific thread for graffiti, so let's start one. I'm not talking about tagging or badly-drawn pictures but about graffiti as an art form. Here's one I shot at the South Bank a while ago. It's part of a picture of Bob Marley and had the caption: "One good thing about music: when it hits you, you feel no pain."

Bob Marley's Eyes
Great idea for a thread :)

This is a recurring one around the city centre, the reason I like it is because it is unfinished and some kind sould has taken the time to 'finish' it :D

by rednorters, on Flickr

Stencil art on Fleet Street:

by rednorters, on Flickr

An AutoRaxx penguin on Fleet Street. The chap who owns the corner shop where I live has given him permission to paint his shutters and it looks ace. I will be taking some photographs of the shop in due course:

by rednorters, on Flickr

Thanks for looking (y)
On the side of the Lakota Club, Bristol.


China Town - San Francisco. Waiting for this van to move, which it didn't


Didn't realise there was a perspex covered Bansky behind there when i first took the photo.



Mindless Vandalism? by Rob Hooley, on Flickr

The door to a mechanics workshop in Manchester, the whole load of arches is covered and gets repainted every year in a summer festival :)
Taken back in 2006, when they were developing behind London Road, Brighton. The derelict buildings had been squatted in for a long time as they protested about the building of a new Sainsburys store, eventually the protesters/squatters were evicted and these boards were put up, during the demolition and then the building of the store and a new housing development and local Graffiti artists were invited to decorate them.

London Road Development, Brighton
by McShug, on Flickr

London Road Development, Brighton
by McShug, on Flickr

Sesame Street Graffiti, Brighton by McShug, on Flickr
Personally, I'm really fascinated by where the inspiration comes from for some of the more 'unusual' graffiti that I see around where I live :thinking:.

This one's fairly tame and I quite like the little bird and worm motifs :) ...


... although the significance of these 'cheese men' is slightly harder to grasp :shrug: ...


... and this one (a pirate riding a giant sea slug!?) is just plain freaky :cautious: ...


Which came first, I wonder, drugs or the graffiti :p ?
This is what I love about a thread like this: the tame, the freaky, the off-the-wall, the social statement, the classic, the mural - and Adam's examples show how one can incorporate graffiti into street photography and, in the case of his last 'postcard shot', how graffiti can merge into street photography. Brilliant work, everyone!
This is what I love about a thread like this: the tame, the freaky, the off-the-wall, the social statement, the classic, the mural - and Adam's examples show how one can incorporate graffiti into street photography and, in the case of his last 'postcard shot', how graffiti can merge into street photography. Brilliant work, everyone!

Doesn't graffiti, by definition, have to on the wall :shrug:?

i do very much like street art and some great examples on here already!

there's alot of graff/street art along the iffley road in oxford.
i was in oxford today but in the wrong part of the city altogether; i shall make another trip next week and take some pics!
This is a famous Banksy (shot in Bristol in July) which has recently been vandalised - daubed with paint by a rival street artist (allegedly)
Very cool thread. Some great shots. Though hard to judge the photo on its pure photography qualities vs how good the graffiti is!!

Not quite what you had in mind, but perhaps a graffiti artist of the future?

I noticed this on one of the bords of a music shop for a short while after the Manchester 'riot'. Dont know if it was the staff or a passerby

FightingFigure said:
i'm slightly mixed on how to feel with the vandalism of art by someone who is a big name on the scene because it's vandalism in the first place

There's a sense of irony for sure. There was another in Bristol, recently, which was painted over by a building's new owner. It made the local papers as there was outrage of the loss - when confronted the man who painted it out said "Who's Banksy?" Apparently has wiped thousands off the value of the building!
There's a sense of irony for sure. There was another in Bristol, recently, which was painted over by a building's new owner. It made the local papers as there was outrage of the loss - when confronted the man who painted it out said "Who's Banksy?" Apparently has wiped thousands off the value of the building!

Excellent story :D!
From London and the East End.

My best selling postcard shot.

This is just brilliant. Nice shot and not surprised its a seller (y)

Taken in Vietnam a few weeks ago




These four images were taken in the Leicester area,mainly along the Great Central Way.
Not the greatest artwork, but it always creeps me out when I walk or cycle under this remote bridge (like I did at 5am today :() ...
