Scotland Location on Isle Of Skye

google "Quiraing"... should sort you out.

(sadly, I pretty much had that answer typed before even clicking on the link... not that it's been over-shot or anything, oh, no... perish the thought.)
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Ah, I know where the Quirang is, been there often enough and going back in January. It's just not that familiar to me.

Thanks anyway.
Not the Quiraing but the Old Man of Storr with the cliffs of the Storr behind.

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Not the Quiraing but the Old Man of Storr with the cliffs of the Storr behind.


ah - silly me - my mouse pointer slipped to the next one in the gallery... then again it seems that most people end up shooting both locations in the same trip/posting them in the same set, and as a bear of little brain (who's not been able to get up there for 15 years or more) I get easily confuddled.
It is a steep but easy and short walk from the road. I think the lower part of the walk has a surfaced foot path now! Depending when its done the most difficult part could be avoiding everyone else.
