South-West England Lydney, Gloucestershire - Mid feb

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Hi all,

Guess this is just about SW England forum and not quite Wales, but...

Staying for a week in Lydney in a week, anyone know the area well for wildlife and any landscape opportunities?

Obviously will check out the RSPB at Nagshead and Newport Wetlands, but anything else or specific spots at this 'in-between' time of year we should try to keep an eye out for?

I think @gramps is near this area, i could be wrong :) Be nice to have a list of places to aim for (y)
I'm not far away Stef but I confess it's not an area I am very familiar with. technically ... a stone's throw from my main haunt at Slimbridge but in practice via the Severn Bridge or Gloucester to actually get to.
It's about 20 miles from the International Birds of Prey Centre at Newent: and not far from the small town of Chepstow, with its castle ruins or Tintern with its Abbey ruins and the beautiful Wye Valley:
Gloster birder website for the latest sightings in the area is useful. Symonds Yat is close by and depending on the weather you may capture a good scenic shot. Seen a few togs there at sunrise in the past. There is also resident peregrines at Symonds Yat. The Forest of Dean has wild boar and I've seen plenty when out mountain biking but they do move about and where they are today they probably won't be tomorrow.
Thanks for all the replies and info, yes there is a lot to do and see in that area, fingers crossed for a few gaps in clouds but no doubt an area to visit again and again.
Have a look at Cannop ponds - but avoid the weekends. A bit busy then.
Ok sorry, not at work now, been sitting professional exams all day so apologies for the clipped answers, done in the break.
So know the area reasonably well, we live in Swindon so not too far and often go there at the weekends.
Who's on the trip, just you, you and a partner, children, dog? How far do you want to travel? Do you like to walk or short walks from the car?

When are you going? If soon then it may be weather restricted.
Slimbridge is about 50-60 mins away from lydney, but would be a good all day place if the weather isn't good. If you do go, consider the Bell inn at Frampton on Severn for good food, ( or if you're feeling flush and lve fish, The Old Passage Inn at Arlingham ( really good food in both.

Of course it's well worth a walk around Lydney, you've the harbour, St.Briavels Castle, Lydney Park Spring GardensDean Forest Railway. If it's really wet then Clearwell caves aren't far (, Littledean Jail and Cinderford isn't a bad small town to visit

Chepstow, with its castle, few shops, it's ok

Plenty of places in the Forest of Dean to photograph. Have a look at and

There's the forest of dean sculpture trail ( that starts from the visitors centre. About 3.5 miles long walk through the forest.

If you do walk the Symonds yat river walk to the footbridge it looks like:
Theres a steep climbing path up the to peregrine falcon view from there. Might be slippery this time of year?

Hope thats something to help.
Have a look at Cannop ponds - but avoid the weekends. A bit busy then.
As you approach Cannop Ponds and just before you get to the picnic area there is a bird table in a small clearing, the bird table always has people tipping a lot of bird seed on it and the local little birds flock to it and they don't hold much fear of people so you can get quite close to them.
Just walked in from work too, will get a brew and read through all the links and info and answer some questions :)
I'm not far away Stef but I confess it's not an area I am very familiar with...

Thanks for popping by and thanks to everyone else too for the replies. I'll let Ben answer the questions but really appreciate you guys responding (y)

The Devil's Chapel nr. Bream is amazingly creepy and great to photograph. Devil's Chapel is in heavy Endor-like woodland and refers to a load of ancient (Roman?) open and surface iron-ore mines (known as scowles) and is infamous amongst the locals for witchcraft and other creepy stuff. No tourists, legal / public access, nearby parking (large lay-by only 5/10 minutes away) but not a great place to go with little kids or pets as it can be quite dangerous underfoot... lots of deep holes covered by foliage! Not to be confused with the 'Devil's Pulpit' which looks down on Tintern Abbey (also nice). Let me now if you require any further info / grid references.

It's me and o/h Stef aka @munchycarrot and my parents (both very active but in mid 70's but have cameras) and jack Russel who will be left in house when required.
We have just both bought d500 and wildlife gear so that's main priority. Walking in moderation i.e. 2-5 mile max at one time. Due to dog would probably plan 2-3 days specifically for areas can take her and similar when we don't. We're going next Friday 10th so weather will be what it will be, happy if some of the trip is more a recce for a future trip as only 2.5 hours down the m6/5 for us in Cheshire but an area that seems to offer loads. Would definitely like to get in symonds yat, some dean forest, some birds and a nice sunrise/set location. Thanks again, it's nice putting a list of places together to have an idea to plan the days.
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Cool cheers then there's plenty of places for you to look around. Didn't want to give you too much to walk etc if you weren't capable. It's a great area to visit
Symonds Yat if you go for a walk, drive past the Saracens head, towards the Royal lodge hotel and there's a big car park. Bottom corner of it you can follow the path along the river bank, plus the food at the Saracens isn't bad. -
Cool - thanks for all the info.
Doesn't look like we'll be stuck for things to visit, pubs look good too!

Thanks again!
Just come back from the forest of dean and this morning, most of the valley at Yat Rock was covered by a cloud inversion and looked absolutely stunning. No camera unfortunately as MTB today. Rain/high humidity the day before and a cold still night are good indicators that you may see an inversion.
Just to stick my oar in: Check out the "Log". There's a car parking area next to Speech House which is specifically for the arboretum. Parking is in a circle around a large cut down tree trunk. Birders know it as The Log. Locals top it up with bird food daily and there's always a continuous stream of birds flying down to it. You can park in your car and get close enough shooting through the window or you can set a tripod up behind your car and shoot that way. A hide isn't necessary as once you've settled then they soon get used to you. There are the usual tits and robins plus good numbers of nuthatch. Occasionally you might also get dunnock, tree creeper, jay and GS woodpecker. Take some seeds and peanuts to drop into holes in the log.
Thanks ... will check that out Tuesday if time.
So far... weather has been typical but had nice walks at rspb nagshead, cannop ponds, lydney harbour and Angiddy river by tintern abbey.
Weather forecast hopeful tomorrow so planning for symonds yat and Monmouth.
Thanks for the suggestions, beautiful part of the country!
Lunch at the saracens, it's a glorious day so we're sat outside!
Going to check out the 'Log' shortly
Makes my tour around Tesco with SWMBO + crutches seem positively reckless :D

Have a great time.
Ahhhh, hope it wasn't too reckless!

Should add, I hope she makes a good, quick recovery. I know after breaking my hip and being off my feet for two 3-4 month spells, it's no fun
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Close. Travelling east from the B4226, Speech House Road, take the undesignated road right where the house lies. Pass the house on your left and the turning is a couple of hundred yards past it on your left. It is marked The Cyril Hart Arboretum.
Hope I wasn't too late replying..

We were there this morning but from your initial description, we found it. We tried the first car park (marked Cyril Hart) then tried the second as well just in case. They both had big logs (no birds haha) lol but thank you


O/h just said no we didn't... it was the wrong road. We didn't take the right turn. We did come to a small car park signposted arboretum though so maybe a different gate?
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