Meanygate meanderings (and beyond) - a farmed landscape

For me 1 has the title “Patterns” and 2 is called “Patters” in the links above, not on the zines :D. There is no numeral in the second link you posted so I assumed it was 1 whereas the first link has numeral 2 in the title (and the typo!) … if you see what I mean :oops: :$. No idea if @Boots is using the same order :(.
For me 1 has the title “Patterns” and 2 is called “Patters” in the links above, not on the zines :D. There is no numeral in the second link you posted so I assumed it was 1 whereas the first link has numeral 2 in the title (and the typo!) … if you see what I mean :oops: :$. No idea if @Boots is using the same order :(.
For me "Growing Patterns" is #1, "Growing Patters 2" is #2.

I shall go and ponder some more.
For me 1 has the title “Patterns” and 2 is called “Patters” in the links above, not on the zines :D. There is no numeral in the second link you posted so I assumed it was 1 whereas the first link has numeral 2 in the title (and the typo!) … if you see what I mean :oops: :$. No idea if @Boots is using the same order :(.
For me "Growing Patterns" is #1, "Growing Patters 2" is #2.

To be clear is this the final spread in the version you both prefer? If so then my pondering is over as I think (for now) that's what I'll go with.

The same.
A bit of sun and a spare couple of hours and I can't keep away! Here's that hoe in use.


The wet May has kept a lot of fields uncultivated longer than usual.


Yet another lettuce harvester.




The printed zine arrived today and it's turned out the way I hoped it would.


the inevitably rubbish zineflip video...
It seems that if I don't go out to the moss so often when I do there are different things to see. So I might carry on with sporadic visits when I have a spare couple of hours.


The white van is a crew bus used to transport gangs of workers to the fields.


Another take on bird scarers.


I could have done to wait for the spray boom to get closer, but it was tea time!

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Foggy here today so I thought I'd take look to see how it looked round the meanygates. The water tank is being replaced.


The last of the veg are almost all gathered in.




I had expected the mist to start burning off during my hour and a half walk but it didn't. There wasn't much to see.




Something different today. I had a cataract op on my shooting eye on Wednesday and am trying to resist using it with the camera to my eye. There's probably no need as I wear glasses so unlikely to press the camera into my eye but better safe than sorry. As I'm also supposed to be 'off work' I was at a loose end and went for a short walk which turned into a longer one. In my pocket was my Fuji X100T, just in case. Out on the moss I remembered it has a sweep panorama function. I had a play.

meanygate panorama by Dave Lumb, on Flickr

meanygate panorama by Dave Lumb, on Flickr

I went mad and stitched two together in Lightroom!

meanygate panorama by Dave Lumb, on Flickr

If I get really bored I might (probably won't) go and have a try at some panoramas using a DSLR.
Spring is here and cultivation and planting are underway.



It's a never ending task keeping the roads in reasonable order as they are laid on peat.


A hopeless snap, but fun to watch.

A hopel
Off piste to the 'other' meanygate this evening. I had hoped to find some lambs backlit by the sunset, but the buggers were at the far end of the field so it was fleece covered veg and sacks of soil.

The sun sure does sink quickly!




After the sheep wandered away last night I went off-piste again. I've left these deliberately dark to reflect the time of day but now think they need lightening.




This morning it was back to the moss after boxing off some work.



I timed it well, the self-propelled planting contraption was approaching the road. Father and son on board.




It has to be stopped and turned round by hand at the end of each run.


Not keen on the darker ones, not because they are dark but because it looks like it has snowed and that does not fit the time of year.

Thanks for the feedback.

I know what you mean, but even in 'real life' it can look like snow at first glance. In the same way polythene covered fields can look like water when the sun catches them at the right angle and seen from a distance. I've been fooled by that a time or two when driving around unfamiliar places!
I like this one because it has three things in it - seedlings, bird scaring mylar tape, and fleece.


The imperfection in this one is what caught my eye.

I'd not picked up a camera for a fortnight until yesterday! And not walked round the moss for a while longer. Things have changed. It looked like one crop of radish has already been harvested. Elsewhere fields have been cultivated and crops planted.

I tried to take a different look at things. Not sure I succeeded.





Three stages: tilling, sowing, covering.
