Scotland NC500 update

Peter B

Double Numpty
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There's an article in today's Scotland on Sunday newspaper about the state of some sections of road on this route, which is probably worth a look if you're thinking of doing the route. A couple of comments are below.
"They are much worse than last year because of the weather and the cumulative effects of decades of lack of investment.”
Mr Mackenzie said the worst sections included between Bettyhill and Melvich in Sutherland, and a “suspension-destroying pothole” near Lochcarron in Wester Ross.
He said: "The surface has gone from huge sections, with an uncountable number of potholes and mere metres of newish tarmac.

"If I was driving my Ferrari around, I’d be mighty p***ed off that I’d been mis-sold what is in some sections approaching a cart track.

Pete Malone, who runs Bettyhill General Merchants with his wife Susan, said: “The state of the road has got worse between here and Tongue.
"There are great big holes in huge sections.
"They are much worse than last year because of the weather and the cumulative effects of decades of lack of investment.”

Highland Council, which is responsible for maintaining the non-trunk road sections that comprise most of the route, admitted the winter impact but said it would be spending an extra £20 million on road maintenance from next month.
A spokesperson said: “The recent severe weather between January and March has caused considerable damage to Highland roads.
"We have a process in place regarding potholes and defects, and all incidents that are reported are followed up.
"Our focus has been urgent road defects.
Single track roads have been badly maintained for years. Many repairs are piecemeal, with holes being filled with leftover tarmac, that compresses and breaks down within weeks. We’ve lived up here for more than 18 years and despite promises that the road will be resurfaced, we’re still waiting. Does it make me regret moving up from England? An emphatic no! To be fair, winter does take its toll on the roads, snow and frost enlarge the cracks and snow ploughs are essential, but obviously make things worse.