Nifty Fifty Challenge 2024 - Chat thread

This should be interesting. I've never attempted a silhouette pic before.

I've taken a couple, but not on purpose...
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I'm in, quite innocuous this time.
I've got one in the bank - what I love about this challenge is that I usually would not have bothered taking my camera when I'm popping out on an errand, especially when the light isn't great. But with one eye on this challenge I took my camera with me when I went to get diesel earlier, stopping for a short walk on the way, and managed to get a half-decent silhouette photo.
Dayum... It's all gone a bit quiet in here :(

Some nice photos so far too (y) I for one, am looking forward to round 3 ;)
I'm struggling with Febs challenge. Been out 3 times and got nothing, mind I was rained off each time more or less. This weathers a PITA.
I had a couple of ideas, but they either didnt work, or they just looked terrible, trying to find something that looks recognisable enough to work is tricky. I dont know who picked this subect, but it's making us think and work for it. Which is a good thing.
Was this meant for Toni @ancient_mariner ?

The quote you replied to isn't mine :D

PS. I think we need to find the theme picker and string'em up!! :D
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I've been out in my back yard working in manual trying to figure out the best setting for this challenge. I'm getting close, but I don't think anyone wants to see the silhouette of a chimney...
Actually it was an almost silhouette that was a big WoW moment in my photography.

I think it was my 10th birthday when my parents bought me a Kodak Instamatic 36 and I loved it. One day I took a picture of one of my sisters and a horse and my sister came out in almost silhouette against the much brighter background and when I saw the result I thought wow! and realised that as well as capturing reality a camera could also be used more artistically to create an effect.