Nifty Fifty Week Challenge Discussion Thread.


Pleurodelinae and proud
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Celebrating the Nifty Fifty a lens that for many of us was the standard lens when we started photography.

The idea is that for the week beginning 11th December to 18th of December (week fifty) members can take and post pictures using the 50mm field of view that was the only one available to many of us when we first bought a camera. You can post your pictures in the image thread that will magically appear on Saturday 11th December and discuss the pictures in this thread.

Post your images here


1. Pictures should be taken with a 50-55mm lens or equivalent. (Apc 28-35mm MFT 20-25mm).
2. Pictures should be taken during the week 11th December-18th December. Any number of pictures can be posted during the week by individual members.The thread will stay open for a few weeks later to allow the film buffs to practice their dark arts!
3. Pictures should not be cropped other than a bit of leveling. (its a fun challenge so play fair ladies and gents).
4. Please name your pictures to make it easier to discuss in the discussion thread. Your member name will do ie, Baloo No 1.
5. Don't have a 50mm lens, do not despair just set your zoom to 50mm or the equivalent above and snap away.

That is it, hopefully we will have lots of images to celebrate the humble 50mm and a bit of banter in the discussion thread.

Any ideas or suggestions for rule changes should be discussed here and rules can be amended until the challenge starts.

As @sirch put it.
"Hopefully people will enter into the spirit of the challenge, i.e. shoot with a "standard" lens for the camera/sensor they are using. A "standard" lens being one that gives a field of view close to that of a human eye."
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Thread watched so I stand a chance of remembering about this. No 50mm (or ff camera) but it was my first lens on my first 35mm camera. Probably still got both in a box in the loft but my film cameras broke one by one and weren't worth repairing (good old Practika - all I could afford). I do have 28 - 35mm covered on my apc dslr.
I like rule 3 - we ladies always play fair................. :LOL:
I'll have a go
Sounds fun. I’ve got an old Olympus Zuiko 50mm I could use. Just got to pick up an adapter for my Sony.
Thread watched so I stand a chance of remembering about this. No 50mm (or ff camera) but it was my first lens on my first 35mm camera. Probably still got both in a box in the loft but my film cameras broke one by one and weren't worth repairing (good old Practika - all I could afford). I do have 28 - 35mm covered on my apc dslr.
I like rule 3 - we ladies always play fair................. :LOL:
My apologies Jan and other ladies edited to correct my bad:oops: :$ Look forward to seeing your images, plenty from Dartmoor I hope :)
Sounds fun. I’ve got an old Olympus Zuiko 50mm I could use. Just got to pick up an adapter for my Sony.
I hope to be using my Meyer on a Sony A850, adapter was a few quid and I love the bubble bokeh you get with it, very much a Marmite look though.:)
Looking forwards to giving it a go (y)
I was thinking of starting the image thread a few days before because interweb can be very temperamental where I live, could you then lock the thread until the 11th?
I miss the 50mm lens I had when I shot Canon, I went for 35mm equivalent when I switched to Fuji, which is probably more useful, but most of my favourite pictures were taken with the 50mm lens on my 1D. I'll be able to have a go with my zoom lens set to 35mm though.
Isn't 28mm on APS-C more like 42mm (or 44-45mm on canon)?

Could I shoot with a 35mm lens on FF but in APS-C crop mode?
I miss the 50mm lens I had when I shot Canon, I went for 35mm equivalent when I switched to Fuji, which is probably more useful, but most of my favourite pictures were taken with the 50mm lens on my 1D. I'll be able to have a go with my zoom lens set to 35mm though.
When I was younger I went travelling armed with just a Nikon FM a 28 and a 50mm. My most treasured slides are mostly taken with the 50. Look forward to your images.
Isn't 28mm on APS-C more like 42mm (or 44-45mm on canon)?

Could I shoot with a 35mm lens on FF but in APS-C crop mode?
I have tried to make it as inclusive as possible but maybe a 28mm on APC is going a bit far, what do people think?

Anyway that people choose to get that 50mm "look" is fine, getting people involved and posting is the idea and having a bit of fun, using your FF in cropped mode will be perfect. :)
Isn't 28mm on APS-C more like 42mm (or 44-45mm on canon)?

Could I shoot with a 35mm lens on FF but in APS-C crop mode?
Hopefully people will enter into the spirit of the challenge, i.e. shoot with a "standard" lens for the camera/sensor they are using. A "standard" lens being one that gives a field of view close to that of a human eye.
I’m up for this, it might be a bit interesting though as the only 50mm I have is a Canon EF mount, I have an EF-Sony FE adapter but I’ve sold my Sony camera in favour of a Nikon Z7. I have also managed to get my hands on a Techart FE-Z adapter so it looks like I’ll be trying to use an adapted lens via an adapted adapter :thinking::ROFLMAO:
Good idea, I'll dig out my 50mm f1.8 and blow the dust off it.
That is it, hopefully we will have lots of images to celebrate the humble 50mm and a bit of banter in the discussion thread.

Oh what fun (y) the best way to "celebrate the humble 50mm" would be to take a picture of it.

There are some interesting combos mentioned above, it would be good to see them.

I've got a nice looking M43 + 25mm prime. I could take some shots of that with my old APS-C + 35mm prime.

.... just a thought.

Or would Xmas shoppers, Xmas lights & seasonal stuff be more appropriate?
Or would Xmas shoppers, Xmas lights & seasonal stuff be more appropriate?

I would hope the brief is a bit wider than this.
I thought the brief was -- nifty fifty any subject?
Right, my reading was anything as long as it's taken with 50mm FF equivalent?
@Baloo - will you be doing a separate thread for images, or should we post them in this thread?
Count me in, good idea.

@Baloo is 63mm for MF also ok
80mm counts on 6X6???
Hi Tim and Tony any format/combination that recreates the standard lens look is welcome "standard" lens being one that gives a field of view close to that of a human eye.

Unless your name is Boris Johnson I will be taking everyone's word for it! ;) :)
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SO -- do we post our 50mm snaps HERE or is it just for 'Discussions' ?

@Baloo - will you be doing a separate thread for images, or should we post them in this thread?
Hi folks there will be a separate thread for images which I will post later today, please try to name your images so we can discuss them in this thread.
Oh what fun (y) the best way to "celebrate the humble 50mm" would be to take a picture of it.

There are some interesting combos mentioned above, it would be good to see them.

I've got a nice looking M43 + 25mm prime. I could take some shots of that with my old APS-C + 35mm prime.

.... just a thought.

Or would Xmas shoppers, Xmas lights & seasonal stuff be more appropriate?

I would hope the brief is a bit wider than this.

I thought the brief was -- nifty fifty any subject?

Right, my reading was anything as long as it's taken with 50mm FF equivalent?
I am hoping we will get a real eclectic range of images from cheesy xmas shots to inspiring landscapes and everything in between, was even thinking of a nude and glamour shot entitled Is 50mm enough?, but thankfully the misses talked me out of that!. :exit:

@d00d Shots of fifty's with fifty's are very welcome.

Whats this nifty fifty week lark all about then? by R Hillman, on Flickr
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I might have a go at this if that's okay. Won't be any post production stuff though, just straight from camera jpeg.
Everybody is very welcome, its a bit of fun to get people out snapping:)
Well made my first post to kick this off. The light this morning could be a lot better.
Well made my first post to kick this off. The light this morning could be a lot better.
Thanks for getting it started Dave, I had plans to be up and get a nice sunrise but all we have had in sunny Cornwall is the same grey sky's!