Nikon SA-21 Adaptor (with Coolscan V)

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Sorry, if posted in wrong forum. I'm not sure which is the right one..

For the first time, I have started to use the SA-21 film strip adaptor and am encountering some issues. I’m trying to follow the instructions in the Nikon manual but the adaptor seems to have a life of its own. In short, when I feed in the film strip, off it goes, previewing and then scanning, without prompting me at any stage. I practically can’t stop it, until it’s finished the whole strip.

I’ve unticked most of the options in preferences but to no avail.

Am I doing something basically wrong?
HMMM!!!!!!! It has been a while since I used mine but from what I remember the SA-21 would take the whole strip into the holder, I think to work out where the images were, then spit it partially out and wait for you to decide which of the strip you wanted to scan.

I was using Vuescan (a small battle in it's self) the Nikon software does not work on the newer Mac OS.
Using Nikon Scan (v3 & v4) and Windows, I didn't always find the frame detection with the SA-21 accurate, which could be tedious, & preferred using the FH-2 film strip holder (6 frames) where you advance the frames manually using the physical detents.