Portrait shows as landscape in CS2?



I have recent batch of photos (jpgs) and some were rotated 90 CCW in Xnview. I can see the new portrait view in Xnview, Explorer and Elements but... although CS2 shows portrait in File/Open/Thumbnails when I open the file it is in landscape. Am I going barmy or have I missed something in CS2 settings. :ponders: TIA.

I am not sure about something in your settings however I have had a similair issue myself when I used a third party software application to rotate pics in the past. In the end I either rotated in PS or set the camera to auto rotate which PS seems to like. That resolved my issues.
I think autorotate it is then. Thanks for the prompt reply, Steve. By the way - if you haven't been already you must go to Konigsee and Berschesgarten and ...I think your mountain shots are the tops :coat:

Your welcome sir, hope it sorts the issue for you.

Both the places that you suggest are already on out "to visit" list but the weather has turned today here so picking the right day will be important...no rush though.

Thanks for the kind comment about my alps pics also. We had a great morning today cycling from Tutzing to Starnberg, the light wasn't great and as forcast the rain arrived around dinner. I did manage to get a few shots though, keep your eyes on the gallery in the next few days :)