weekly Severn Bore's 52 in 2014

Hi Andrew,

LOVE your architecture shot. Really interesting building and well framed.

Promise - as said it fits the theme well (now that my wife pointed out its link to me, forehead slap moment)
Promise fits the theme but I'm struggling to get excited by it. Perhaps a different angle (low POV?) and more creative use of DOF, just focusing on the "I PROMISE" part?

I like the background though - strong contrast with the colour of the tenner.
Hi Andrew

Just spotted your Architecture shot.......wonderful image..could see that being used in a brochure on the front cover :clap::clap: Really well exposed , great colors , detail every where & a proper sky :clap:

Of the catch up set Sparkle really grabs me , super take on a difficult theme , lovely light enhancing the droplets sparkle :clap: Only slight crit is would like a smidge more room on the rhs but that's a minor point
Hi Andrew

Just spotted your Architecture shot.......wonderful image..could see that being used in a brochure on the front cover :clap::clap: Really well exposed , great colors , detail every where & a proper sky :clap:

Of the catch up set Sparkle really grabs me , super take on a difficult theme , lovely light enhancing the droplets sparkle :clap: Only slight crit is would like a smidge more room on the rhs but that's a minor point
Hi Andrew ...smashing catch up there, and all excellent choices for the theme....Pure Lunacy ...now that is a very original one :)

Thanks for the comments. To Lynne; I agree I should have left a little more space o9n the right of the Sparkle pic. I hummed and hawed over it for quite awhile - and then didn't get it right!


52- Fall-8660.jpg by SevernBore, on Flickr
Hi Andrew ...I love the feather shot...you've really captured it weightlessly drifting through the air....a smashing idea.

Also a great idea for communicate...I used to do that with my next door neighbour when we were kids....long before mobile phones were even dreamt of :) I really like the composition ...another excellent choice for the theme.
Hi Andrew ...I love the feather shot...you've really captured it weightlessly drifting through the air....a smashing idea.

Also a great idea for communicate...I used to do that with my next door neighbour when we were kids....long before mobile phones were even dreamt of :) I really like the composition ...another excellent choice for the theme.
Hi Susie
Thanks for the comments. My granddaughter in the photo had never encountered the tin can phone and was very surprised to find that it really works!
Sharp - some good images, but the first one works best for me.

Pure - nice bright image, just can't seem to make a connection to the theme.

Sparkle - lovely composition, and a nice take for the theme.

Fall - great take for the theme, a nice simple capture I like it.

Communicate - good fun idea for the theme, composition works well.
Hiya Andrew, some great images here (y), love your architecture image, suits the composition and good detail (y)

Communicate is another one of those 'excellent ideas' because I was thinking of doing exactly the same :D

Again, good composition and the right dof for it to work really well for me (y)
Hi Andrew

Fall ..... perfectly captured , well exposed & super sharp :clap:

Communicate..great idea , think I like the focus being on the furthest person but kinda want to see it sharp on the foremost person as well just to be awkward :exit:

Dark....yup , they are dark little creatures , like that you've chosen too make the image lighter than you could have which brings out the detail in the stone......simple frame works well (y)
Hi Lynne and others for comments on recent photos. Regarding the communicate one, I decided to blur the nearest subject in order to emphasise the distance from the second one.
I really like gargoyles and you've caught this one well with all the detail of the worn away stone. Shame it wasn't raining - I bet he looks very scary with water pouring out of his mouth!
Hi Andrew

Little and Large..... good choice of subject , lovely reds & well placed in the frame (y) Not so sure about the background though...black and red always work well together but thinking maybe a more natural choice would work , like a wooden chopping board or go the other direction and use a white plate with a black or white back drop ?....ignore me , I'm just musing :D
Great idea for the theme Andrew. I love the reds - they really pop out at you :clap:
A very original take on the theme Andrew :clap: Great diagonal in the bottom half of the deck and super detail on the hand (y)
Hi Andrew

Big and Cut ... two very clean, sharp, nicely framed images. (y)

both good interpretations of the themes too.
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Hi Andrew :)

Sharp - Nice fun image, fits the theme nicely, not so sure on the composition but really like the expressions caught !!!

The knives - too much of a snap shot, don't like the reflection, clipped knives, labels... sorry, a pass on this one :)

Pure - Lunacy... you aint kidding !!! - love the expression you have caught again, Nice DoF, good colours, works well (y)

Sparkle - Great sparkle on that, some real good detail too, you did well to not blow the petals on this one :)

Fall - Nice detailed capture, good DoF again and well caught if in motion !!!

Communicate - Liking this one, a fun image, a good take of the theme and liking your composition and chosen depth of field :)

Dark - I Feel the image doesn't fit the theme, yes a gargoyle can be dark, but it's use in the image is very bright, some PP could have brought this in much better I feel, at least darkening the background, maybe a vignette to help focus the dark/sinisterness of it :)

Big - Like that, fits the theme very well, real nice colours, nice shine and a nice background :)
Hi Andrew

Balance ....amazeballs.....( I like that word :) ) kudos to you for taking the time to glue the little chap together & set the shot up , good focus , well lit & good use of DOF.....the none black bg works nicely as well :clap:

Change - beautiful back lighting to show the gorgeous colors in those leaves all set of with a beautiful blue sky (y)
Balance..... Am a bit bemused as to why you shot this at such a small (ish) aperture (f14) and then went to the effort of attempting to replicate a shallow dof by cutting around and blurring the background??

Viewed at the posted resolution it looks OK, but full res all the issues jump out. (Hard edges, bits missed, etc). Very reminiscent of your snake like twiggy thing where the dodgy blurring in post was remarked on.

Change is much better though, like the natural fade from green through to red, even the branch 'separating' the two. Blue sky tops it off nicely.
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Balance..... Am a bit bemused as to why you shot this at such a small (ish) aperture (f14) and then went to the effort of attempting to replicate a shallow dof by cutting around and blurring the background??

Viewed at the posted resolution it looks OK, but full res all the issues jump out. (Hard edges, bits missed, etc). Very reminiscent of your snake like twiggy thing where the dodgy blurring in post was remarked on.

Change is much better though, like the natural fade from green through to red, even the branch 'separating' the two. Blue sky tops it off nicely.

Hi Graham
You have sharp eyes!!! Actually you are not quite right. I shot at an aperture to slightly blur the point and handle of the knife as with the whole subject in focus it did not appear that the matchstick figure was balanced on the blade. I then realised the background was very dusty and I could not clean it physically so attempted to select and apply the dust and scratches filter - no intent to create shadow. But there is not much that gets past you.:runaway::banana: