Critique Stormy Welsh Coast

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Not posted on here for a while. Was lucky enough (?) to be in Wales during the recent stormy weather and managed to get these that I enjoy, but as ever happy to receive pointers to improve. Biggest hurdle on all of these was having to protect my camera (D5600) from the spray being blown my way.

TIA for any feedback :)

Storm Ali Aberystwyth by J P M, on Flickr

Waves at Gwbert, Wales by J P M, on Flickr

Storm Ali Waves by J P M, on Flickr
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I do like 2 especially: great movement, textures, tonal control, composition.

The first image looks potentially interesting, but is a bit dull & dark to catch attention despite the great splash you've caught.
I do like 2 especially: great movement, textures, tonal control, composition.

The first image looks potentially interesting, but is a bit dull & dark to catch attention despite the great splash you've caught.

Thank you, I take your point on the first, it was so miserable that day, grey everywhere!

The 2nd one is my favourite, think I took 30+ getting the one I wanted, and due to the spray from the waves and the wind I was stood behind some rocks to shelter the camera, I'd have preferred to have been able to move closer and to the left. But happy with it anyway.

Thanks for your input :)
I like the first and third.
I agree with Toni more PP would improve the first.
I like the first and third.
I agree with Toni more PP would improve the first.
Thank you very much, I'll have a play around with it later - any suggestions as to how I can improve it in PP given the overall grey conditions?
Lift exposure half a stop, bump contrast a touch, or perhaps clarity, use the white point control to lift white point to just breaking through: it's all about making it sparkle a little.
I do like 2 especially: great movement, textures, tonal control, composition.

The first image looks potentially interesting, but is a bit dull & dark to catch attention despite the great splash you've caught.

Yes, totally. No 2 is a brilliant take. Those rocks and water create a very dynamic combo.

1 is easy to salvage. More contrast and brightness is about all it takes and maybe a crop from the bottom up.

I also wonder if black and white versions would be worth considering with some further mono specific tweaks like extra clarity and contrast?
#2 is the best IMO