Answered Trouble getting on the site today.


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Hi Guys

May not be a bug or important ;)

I had trouble getting on for a while earlier, I've noticed a new 'arrow' top left of the screen.

I'm guessing you've been working on the site, but thought I'd ask and mention the bits in the corner, I don't recall seeing before.

I saw the same just as I was about to go out.

Glad to see it is back and working.

Thanks to everyone involved in keeping it that way.
Yep not reachable for a while. :)
There was an issue earlier this afternoon,
with intermittent drop off's.
t'other Chris has been working on it.
It seems stable now.

I'm not sure what that arrow is @Gav, I'm not seeing it ?
There was an issue earlier this afternoon,
with intermittent drop off's.
t'other Chris has been working on it.
It seems stable now.

I'm not sure what that arrow is @Gav, I'm not seeing it ?
Thank you all for keeping it going, I'm seeing it on 2 devices :thinking:

I'll blame the rain in the wires ;):D

Thank you (y)
Thank you all for keeping it going, I'm seeing it on 2 devices :thinking:
That's odd, its not showing on my lap top or phone :thinking:
Screenshot 2023-12-28 at 18.38.44.png

Arrow here too. :)
Arrow here too. :)
It only shows on mine when scrolled to the top or opening new pages.

Never mind, could be something my end :)
Well all I can say is, you are both special members, don't tell everyone or they'll all want one. :D
I'm on W11 Firefox or Brave browsers.
Still nothing.

Standard answer, have you tried a re-start? / emptying the internet cashe?
and / or are you using something obscure?
Well all I can say is, you are both special members, don't tell everyone or they'll all want one. :D
I'm on W11 Firefox or Brave browsers.
Still nothing.

Standard answer, have you tried a re-start? / emptying the internet cashe?
and / or are you using something obscure?
I’m seeing it to, it’s part of the code. Looks like a comment or something was removed except the closing tag which is now being output as part of the page.
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Well all I can say is, you are both special members, don't tell everyone or they'll all want one. :D
I'm on W11 Firefox or Brave browsers.
Still nothing.

Standard answer, have you tried a re-start? / emptying the internet cashe?
and / or are you using something obscure?
I'm on Androids at the minute, I did think, as a Elliott said, it could be stray code :)
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I've got the same little arrow as gramps on this lappy. Win10, Edge.

Had a problem getting in earlier so did other things for a while. When I tried again later, no problem.
I seem to have lost my preferred grey background which didn't show the arrows so changed it to see what happened now can't get back on it
What styles are you guys using? I've tried a few but I don't see the --> in any. You can see the style at the bottom left of the page

I seem to have lost my preferred grey background which didn't show the arrows so changed it to see what happened now can't get back on it
I think that would be neutral style
No arrow here (Safari)
I take it no one has had any more issue connecting to the site?
What styles are you guys using? I've tried a few but I don't see the --> in any. You can see the style at the bottom left of the page

I think that would be neutral style

Just signed in on my phone and found it, so back to normal now (y)
I'm using Brave browser in the Default style, (Mac Sonoma) ... isn't this the problem?

<!-- Google tag (gtag.js) -->
<script async src=""></script>
window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
gtag('js', new Date());
gtag('config', 'G-0MDKYT1FYP');

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Further whack-a-mole has ensued ... any more for any more?
That got it (y)

Edit I just checked all the styles, all clear :)
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All back to (what passes for!)normal here. Thanks for the efforts, Chris.
I'm using the default style but it's gone now.
If you are referring to the default style, click the button bottom left,
for the drop down styles.
if you are referring to the arrow, T'other Chris sorted it out Yesterday evening.
