Scotland Visit to Scottish Highlands question?

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Hi All

We are planning a trip to the Highlands for last week of May 2015, around the Greytown on Spey area and the Moray Firth.

Now the question I was asked is what about the midges??? According to Google searches the "season" for these little biters is June to August, so just how midge free are we likely to be that late in May?

TIA for the insight and help with this question :)
May is normally okay for midges, but it gets worse as it approaches June.
They tend to start off in the west and travel further east as the year goes on. But, the further east you are the fewer midges there are.
As long as there is a bit of frost about, which there should be in May ( :) ), you should be okay.
BTW, it's Grantown on Spey.

Skin So Soft is probably the best protection, otherwise it's a midge net.
Hi Ken

Ooops! I typed in haste.......yes Grantown :oops: :$

Thanks for the insight, so the potential for midges in that area is very low (to non existent?) in May......that will be a boon :), could have chosen the early May week (Bank Holiday) but would rather have the possibility of slightly warmer days with hopefully lower chance of rain ~ optimistic aren't I ;)
I wouldn't say non-existent, but probably low.
Midge forecast here:

I surmise the how low also relates to how many of those flying at that time are the females???

I did find the midge forecast site but it is a pity they do not leave available for viewing the pattern and spread for say the last two years so that at least one can get an understanding of as you say when & where it starts and at what rate (on the calendar) it moves west to east?
It's not an exact science but generally it's fine in May.
Hi Box Brownie May is normally ok although there can be a few about it all depends on what the rest of May has been like. Quite often we have a spell of good weather then and they start to appear unless we get frost in the mornings which keeps them at bay, which is possible right into the beginning of June. Where are you staying in Grantown as I am not far from there, you are coming to a lovely part of the country which is very scenic, enjoy.

By the way this stuff works a treat "Smidge" and "Skin so Soft" from Avon, but a good number of shops in the area will stock it as par for the course.
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As a local said to me when i was getting bitten to death

The midges are nay bud tunute or something like that
"The midges are nay bad the nicht" :D
When I went to Arran, they told me the local beer was a good repellent. I don't know if it's true but it was certainly worth a go!

When I went to Arran, they told me the local beer was a good repellent. I don't know if it's true but it was certainly worth a go!


Lol I don't think its a repellant it just make you feel no pain or bites............:beer::D
Hello, lived in Grantown for the first 30 years of my life and can honestly count on one hand the number of times I've been bothered enough by midges to take cover. It really shouldn't be a problem. Stay away from the waterside and you'll be fine :)

If you need any other info of the area just ask
Yes, you should be ok... if you're heading further West then you might catch a few more.

Midge nets are excellent if you're unable to escape from them and the repellants are of varying effectiveness (from nothing to a bit... but not perfect in my experience). Unfortunately, there's no ideal solution if they're out and clouding around you.

Oh, and if you're tempted to get a midge net (I'd recommend them) DO NOT buy a mozzie net. The netting on mozzie nets is very slightly coarser (i.e. less fine) and the little buggers can find their way in but not back out again... yet, I discovered that the hard way once and had over 100 bites on my face to testify (n)
Hi All

Sorry I missed all your updates since Phil's post #6 but the forum 'update notifications' were not kicking in :(

Based on all the feedback it seems that midges in that part of Scotland in late May will be of minimal impact but if they are then the local pharmacies are the places to head for for skin treatments or nets (do they sell nets?) :D Or is it best to buy before we come up???

Carol, we are staying in the Grant Arms....hopefully a decent choice?

If I/we have any questions I will post for yours and Iain's attention as we are going to be planning some specific places to go including to see the Dolphins on the Moray Firth :)
On mobile so sorry for brevity yes just pm or add to thread as I am watching it.
I've been going on holiday 14 miles away from Lochgilphead in Argyll for 20 odd years and I've gotten used to them while I'm standing still fishing. Only the females bite.
I do have a midge net handy though.

If you hear a high-pitched buzz it's not a midge...... it's a mosquito.