WCMUT....what cheered me up today

Cheers, Nod. Much appreciated.

I've ordered 12 author copies (which I'll have to wait for up to 12 days for), 10 of which will be donated to the Bedford MS Therapy Centre.

Arrived! Thank goodness there's no author photograph!!! :p

Still need to decide if it's for the beach or for here...
WCMUT is both bikes sailed through their MOT. Usual advisory on one of them but it's an OEM exhaust so not my fault it's not quiet!!!

Fingers crossed for the other one on Monday.
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Awaiting wifes lung cancer treatment plan. Nightmare.
At least we're lucky enough to sit here and forget the world for an hour or so.

Sorry to read about your wife,Brian. Must be very stressful.

Just the other day I was thinking of slipping in to an appropriate post by you asking when we'll see your garden again because last year you posted a photo of it covered in flowers and it looked great .I was going ask if you are the gardener or Mrs.Brian..maybe both. A lovely place to chill out
Sorry to read about your wife,Brian. Must be very stressful.

Just the other day I was thinking of slipping in to an appropriate post by you asking when we'll see your garden again because last year you posted a photo of it covered in flowers and it looked great .I was going ask if you are the gardener or Mrs.Brian..maybe both. A lovely place to chill out
Thanks mate. Its all her, I'm just the labourer/landscaper.

It just struck me sitting in our little paradise, with no other worries, that some poor soul is going through the same hell, but skint and in a tower block.
Small mercies and all that.
PS. You will have to suffer it again when it's in full bloom. ;)
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Sorry to hear this. Nice place to be, I've been trying to switch off today but the neighbours either side are taking alternative turns with destroying the tranquility with one chipping off render and then they other using power tools on wood.

I'm about to roll out the BBQ and deploy the smoker, then watch them scramble to put their washing away....
Ours is total peace today, just the fountain bubbling and the birds chirping. Bliss.
Silence is such a rare commodity these days.
Awaiting wifes lung cancer treatment plan. Nightmare.
At least we're lucky enough to sit here and forget the world for an hour or so.

Wishing her and you the best possible outcome.

Brian, this isn't everyone's thing but I/we are church goers and if you are agreeable I'll include you both in my silent prayer. The congregation all do one for people in their thoughts.
Wishing her and you the best possible outcome.

Brian, this isn't everyone's thing but I/we are church goers and if you are agreeable I'll include you both in my silent prayer. The congregation all do one for people in their thoughts.
Thank you. Thats very kind of you.
After 33 years and 1 month we finally made the last payment on our mortgage. Now more money for camera gear, just don't tell the misses!
My wife cried the day we received the deeds for our house after paying off our mortgage early.....
My wife cried the day we received the deeds for our house after paying off our mortgage early.....
It is a truly wonderful feeling. I think you only realise what a millstone around the neck it was, when its gone.
It's my birthday today and the first one alone as Mrs WW is in Thailand for 6 months and my mam died last September so I wasn't feeling the birthday mood all that much but at church today everyone sang happy birthday and I was presented with cards and this...


It's massive so there's plenty left for the church tea/coffee morning on Tuesday :D

And a photography related PS. Not a bad picture for ISO 20,000.
MHR, Alan.

Not sure those berries will last until Tuesday!!!
It's my birthday today and the first one alone as Mrs WW is in Thailand for 6 months and my mam died last September so I wasn't feeling the birthday mood all that much but at church today everyone sang happy birthday and I was presented with cards and this...

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It's massive so there's plenty left for the church tea/coffee morning on Tuesday :D

And a photography related PS. Not a bad picture for ISO 20,000.
Happy birthday Alan.
It's a wonderful feeling isn't it......
Certainly is, we are just happy that it finished now.

I'm sure the spare money will get spent somewhere , we've got 2 boys who no doubt will want a hand when it comes to buying their first house. We need to get rid of them first! one still at home at 28 , the other 25 was living in Nottingham but is in the process of changing jobs and working in London, so he is coming home for a bit. His Girlfriend works in London so they have a plan of getting somewhere together.

There was I thinking once Uni was done we would get some space and peace and quiet !
Certainly is, we are just happy that it finished now.

I'm sure the spare money will get spent somewhere , we've got 2 boys who no doubt will want a hand when it comes to buying their first house. We need to get rid of them first! one still at home at 28 , the other 25 was living in Nottingham but is in the process of changing jobs and working in London, so he is coming home for a bit. His Girlfriend works in London so they have a plan of getting somewhere together.

There was I thinking once Uni was done we would get some space and peace and quiet !

We paid ours off while our lad was at Uni. He went to UWE in Bristol, and never moved back home. One of the best bits was when I quit a job as I just couldn't get on with my boss; he says "You can't quit, how will you pay your mortgage?" I enjoyed telling him that all the success I had had before he arrived helped pay it off, and since he took over I was earning much less (IT sales role) so I was going, today...... :ROFLMAO: :coat:
Mrs WW is away but is still monitoring me including what I eat. I think she thinks I'm eating deep fried Twin Peaks bars all day. Today I remembered I had some home made (By ME!) apple and bramble pies in the freezer so got one out and I will send this picture to my monitor.


I like custard but I can see the attraction of ice cream or Carnation with a nice fruit pie.
Had surgery 2 weeks ago, and because I'm on blood thinners, it went a bit "tits up" and I had to go back last Friday. Today, I am sitting in the garden with a coffee enjoying being outside for the first time since that 2nd hospital trip..... It would be nice to have some sun, but the fact it's dry will do for now.
I've been using a Zimmer frame to move about upstairs (I use a wheelchair downstairs and have a stair-lift) which was given to me when I was in hospital 17 months ago. It's rather heavy and awkward to store when not in use so I treated myself and THIS arrived today. It's going to make things so much easier.
I hope it does the trick.
Arrived! Thank goodness there's no author photograph!!! :p

Still need to decide if it's for the beach or for here...

Decided it was for here. Enjoyed it and am looking forward to the next instalment!

WCMUT was an enjoyable, if a little damp ride up to the Bideford Bike Show and bumping into an old mate who I haven't seen for around 30 years! Just the ride was enough to CMU but bumping into Benny was a bonus.
We had a gap in the rain this morning and I managed to get out and cut the lawns. It's rained and often heavily or even very heavily day after day here and at one point today it did cloud over with what looked like rain clouds and I felt just a couple of drops but it didn't come to anything and quickly passed so I'm glad I managed it. Some of the lawns were still a bit wet but thankfully not too bad. So, job done for a couple of weeks :D
We had a gap in the rain this morning and I managed to get out and cut the lawns. It's rained and often heavily or even very heavily day after day here and at one point today it did cloud over with what looked like rain clouds and I felt just a couple of drops but it didn't come to anything and quickly passed so I'm glad I managed it. Some of the lawns were still a bit wet but thankfully not too bad. So, job done for a couple of weeks :D
Couple of weeks????
Ours is growing like crazy, we can hardly keep up with the mowing. :)
Couple of weeks????
Ours is growing like crazy, we can hardly keep up with the mowing. :)

Same here, not just the grass but other plants as well. We currently have to lean to one side as we leave the house until I get a chance to cut the bushes and trees back again!
Couple of weeks????
Ours is growing like crazy, we can hardly keep up with the mowing. :)

It'll probably be a couple of weeks until I see another break in the rain. We've just had another pour down so I'm really glad it held off earlier.
My mother died last September and unfortunately in the years before her death our family fell apart very acrimoniously over her care. Since her death my sister who is joint executor with me has made my life hell with a series of unfounded accusations and untruths. Moving forward and dealing with the will proved impossible as all she did was literally shout at me and make allegations so I had to find a solicitor willing to deal with this mess. That took time and there were several time wasters but I eventually found someone who deals with "contentious probate" as the solicitor described it. A series of letters then went back and forth and my solicitor said they'd sent a "very stern" letter to my sister, my sisters reply came and although she is still stating untruths which the solicitor says aren't relevant she's caved and is now agreeing a sensible way forward to bring things to a close. The only outstanding issue is the family photograph albums. My sister had said she wasn't interested in the physical photographs and that she only wanted to borrow them to scan so she removed all but four of the physical photographs of our family and she has removed the ones she wants from the albums. I want the opportunity to copy any that she wants that I also want but I don't know if she'll agree to this. So, I don't know what she's removed or what I'll get back. The fact that some of the pictures in the albums are my property (either taken by me or copies which I paid for) is irksome but there really doesn't seem much to be done about it.

Apart from that. I can hopefully now see light at the end of the tunnel and at least the property and money issues should now be on the road to being dealt with. It's been years of absolute hell dealing with the family troubles and our mothers will and I do hope we're on the run in to getting it all sorted now. At the moment having not long since put the phone down from talking to my solicitor I feel such a sense of relief. I hope it's justified.

So. Make a will people. Make sure it's clear and unambiguous and be careful with your choice of executors.
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Just to add to Alan's advice about making a will...

If you are "of an age" where your judgement could be deemed questionable, it's probably worth getting a legal assessment of "competence". Might cost a few quid (make that "WILL" cost a few quid!) but should help if you competence is questioned when you no longer care...
My mother died last September and unfortunately in the years before her death our family fell apart very acrimoniously over her care. Since her death my sister who is joint executor with me has made my life hell with a series of unfounded accusations and untruths. Moving forward and dealing with the will proved impossible as all she did was literally shout at me and make allegations so I had to find a solicitor willing to deal with this mess. That took time and there were several time wasters but I eventually found someone who deals with "contentious probate" as the solicitor described it. A series of letters then went back and forth and my solicitor said they'd sent a "very stern" letter to my sister, my sisters reply came and although she is still stating untruths which the solicitor says aren't relevant she's caved and is now agreeing a sensible way forward to bring things to a close. The only outstanding issue is the family photograph albums. My sister had said she wasn't interested in the physical photographs and that she only wanted to borrow them to scan so she removed all but four of the physical photographs of our family and she has removed the ones she wants from the albums. I want the opportunity to copy any that she wants that I also want but I don't know if she'll agree to this. So, I don't know what she's removed or what I'll get back. The fact that some of the pictures in the albums are my property (either taken by me or copies which I paid for) is irksome but there really doesn't seem much to be done about it.

Apart from that. I can hopefully now see light at the end of the tunnel and at least the property and money issues should now be on the road to being dealt with. It's been years of absolute hell dealing with the family troubles and our mothers will and I do hope we're on the run in to getting it all sorted now. At the moment having not long since put the phone down from talking to my solicitor I feel such a sense of relief. I hope it's justified.

So. Make a will people. Make sure it's clear and unambiguous and be careful with your choice of executors.
Thats a sad nightmare. I hope it resolves soon without any more pain.
Just to add to Alan's advice about making a will...

If you are "of an age" where your judgement could be deemed questionable, it's probably worth getting a legal assessment of "competence". Might cost a few quid (make that "WILL" cost a few quid!) but should help if you competence is questioned when you no longer care...
Just to add to that. I would also advise people to get power of attorney sorted for both of you. It's easy now, very difficult if you wait until you (hopefully never) need it.
After 2 rounds of biopsy on her lung cancer, none of the 4 samples have given the surgeon the info. he wants. We were waiting for a 3rd biopsy.
We found out yesterday that she's going to see the top consultants team down in the Royal Brompton in London. She will have a bronchoscopy procedure via computer controlled robot. We're very lucky they've accepted her on the leading edge procedure.
Coincidentally the Mail ran an article on it yesterday.
In London on the 6th june.

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Just to add to Alan's advice about making a will...

If you are "of an age" where your judgement could be deemed questionable, it's probably worth getting a legal assessment of "competence". Might cost a few quid (make that "WILL" cost a few quid!) but should help if you competence is questioned when you no longer care...

This was raised over my mams will but it was a non issue as the solicitor who made the will many years ago obviously thought she was capable at that time and he was a qualified and reputable solicitor working for a reputable firm although I do have to say that the will was badly written and that has caused problems. It doesn't matter if I/you/we lose our marbles a year or ten later as long as we had the capacity to make a will at the time. If a solicitor doesn't think the person in front of them has the capacity they will say so and that person then has the option of trying someone else or I suppose getting an independent assessment but this is not something that all doctors do. Maybe gaining a statement of capacity (or not) from someone capable and willing and qualified to carry out the assessment would be proof of capacity in itself? :D

The certainty of being assessed (even if you don't know that's partly what the solicitor in front of you is doing) needs to be considered and prepared for. For example can "you" answer the following questions...

- How much is your house worth?
- How much money have you got and where is it?
- Who do you want to name as a beneficiary? ditto executor?
- Who gets what and as importantly...
- Who are you leaving out and why?

If you can not answer these questions or state your wishes and reasons clearly your capacity may be questioned. I could guess at the first and it may even be a good guess but honestly I might not appear to know exactly how much money I have or where it is without being able to look at my records... That may sound odd so I'll explain... I know where my current account is but my other accounts are on line and they do change as if I can get a better return I move them. Even without the possible stress of sitting in front of and being questioned by a solicitor if unprepared I might waffle or get something wrong or say how it was last month. Others may not have an issue remembering but because I have it all wrote down and change things all the time I just might make a slip... :D Getting things wrong or saying "I don't remember" should maybe be avoided :D

These may seem obvious things but anyone seeing a solicitor to make a will should think about what they want to say and achieve and also what they may be asked. Blank looks and umming and arring or talking about the dog or the war might not go down too well. Also don't joke. Solicitors aren't your friends. For example when asked how old she was my mother (96) once with a totally dead pan face answered "I'm in my 40's." Do... not... joke. Solicitors are a part of a legal process and this should all be taken seriously and prepared for. I'd also urge people to make sure that their wishes are clearly stated. For example one thing which has caused a lot of grief for me is that who the house contents go to isn't stated. If there are ambiguities or significant things or assets which are not covered specifically this could cause upset and conflict at some later point, if it all goes acrimoniously.

Sorry for the long reply :D
After 2 rounds of biopsy on her lung cancer, none of the 4 samples have given the surgeon the info. he wants. We were waiting for a 3rd biopsy.
We found out yesterday that she's going to see the top consultants team down in the Royal Brompton in London. She will have a bronchoscopy procedure via computer controlled robot. We're very lucky they've accepted her on the leading edge procedure.
Coincidentally the Mail ran an article on it yesterday.
In London on the 6th june.

As I posted before. Best wishes to you and your wife in this.
You do not need to know in advance your assets etc. For example my Will and my wife's Will leave everything to each other but if we both die all our assets are split equally between our two children. Our assets will have changed value since the Wills were produce but this does not matter. This is a simple case but probably applies to a lot of people; it is unwise to complicate things unless you have to.

You do not need to know in advance your assets etc. For example my Will and my wife's Will leave everything to each other but if we both die all our assets are split equally between our two children. Our assets will have changed value since the Wills were produce but this does not matter. This is a simple case but probably applies to a lot of people; it is unwise to complicate things unless you have to.


I think either complicated or simple could suit as long as it's as not open to challenge as possible.

Me and Mrs do need to make wills. She's abroad for another 5 months but when she comes back we'll have to have a think about what we want and get this done.

And to be clear. I posted in this thread because of the sense of relief I've felt today. I hope it's maybe helped others too.
After 2 rounds of biopsy on her lung cancer, none of the 4 samples have given the surgeon the info. he wants. We were waiting for a 3rd biopsy.
We found out yesterday that she's going to see the top consultants team down in the Royal Brompton in London. She will have a bronchoscopy procedure via computer controlled robot. We're very lucky they've accepted her on the leading edge procedure.
Coincidentally the Mail ran an article on it yesterday.
In London on the 6th june.

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My mum was recently diagnosed with a cancer growth in the ascending colon and they used robotic surgery to remove it, which they said had huge advantages over the traditional methods. The tech seems to be pretty incredible now and best of luck.
Fingers crossed for Mrs Cockney, Brian.