35mm Slide film

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Any suggestions as to the best value supplier of 35mm Slide Film

My local camera shop has closed and I have just re-loaded with my last roll, so I'm now looking for a new supplier.

7 day shop is OK, but I've recently been messed around with out-of-stock issues. eBay may be a better bet or try the Fuji Film Shop - I've heard good things.
SilverPrint have always been sweet.
RetroPhotographic for exoticals....(their page appears to be down) :cautious:
Try discountfilmsdirect.co.uk They have good prices and offer a very prompt service.
Good luck A...
7dayshop never had a problem and best prices.
7day if I'm not in a hurry, Mailshots if I am. If I need it NOW, Boots often have a surprising amount of choice! Having gone FF digital, I'm not sure how much film I'll use in the future.
7dayshop have been great with me, but they do occassionally send an out-of-stock reply when their website implies its in stock (adds about a week to delivery times).
I use MX2, generally good but on more than one occassion did not have in stock what I needed, and not advising such until AFTER purchase online, meaning I had to go and buy at High Street prices for a job a week later. MX2 film finally turned up about 3 weeks later.
Will take a look at 7Day.