450D or 40D

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Hi guys,

I have been offered a pretty much brand new 450d with 18-55 and 55-250, couple of cards and a bag for 430.

On the other hand, I have been offered a 40d with the same lenses for 520.

I am a total newbie to photography, and was wondering would it be worth the extra for the 40d, or is the 450d body just as good. As I could always keep the lens and upgrade the body in a few years.

If you enjoy taking the odd picture here and there and don't think it'll become a serious hobby, get the 450D.

If you're really interested and can see yourself becoming quite involved in photography then definitely get the 40D. The problem with the 450D is that you will grow out of it (maybe a year?) and find yourself wishing you'd bought the 40D!

Obviously if you want to do video then the 450D is the best option, otherwise get the 40D, you won't be disappointed :)
The 450D does'nt do video.

Out of the two definitly go with the 40D, though an older model than the 450D it is has far superior image quality, for the few extra pounds you're getting twice the camera.

I had a 450D, and though it was an excellent starting camera, I found it became very quickly limiting.

Those two lenses will give you a good start :)
I'd go for the 40d.

Much nicer to use and better built.

Looking at the lenses you have mentioned, you'll probably be upgrading those before the body!
40d is built much better but is a fair bit heavier. I have had both and i prefer a lighter camera. The 450d is a great camera.....but then so is the 40d!:D

If you like handling the 40d the deff get that one.
Thanks for the replies so far guys.

I have no equipment what so ever at the moment.

The 450 looks attractive to me as it has a bag, and would allow me to get a nifty fifty and also a tripod. A setup which I hope would do me well for the occasional walks in the country and general experimenting.

I am by no means a pro, nor do I see myself becoming one, I am mainly looking into this as a new hobby to help get me out and travelling and doing things.

If the 40D is miles better, then perhaps I should chose that?
If the 40D is miles better, then perhaps I should chose that?

It's not miles better but does have functions that make things easier.

the 450 package does look like the perfect starter package and with a nifty and tripod you will be set!
If you do decide to go for the 450d, you should think about buying a battery grip for it. I just got one (a cheapee off ebay) and it makes a world of difference.
Without it, your little finger is gripping air. With it, it feels a bit more like the 40d.
You can get the non canon imitations for about £35.
40d has 6.5 frames per second shooting if that is a consideration for you. I think the 450d has 3.5 from memory.
I wonder if there is a difference in how the AF performs between the two camera's?
Good luck with your decision mate. If I had my time again, I would probably have opted for the 40d but the 450d is a good starting point for the price.
How big are your hands? I couldn't get on with the 450D as I had a couple of fingers hanging off the edge.
I've just traded up from a 400d to a 40d after just 6 months, the 40d has a much more comfortable grip than the 4xxd as mentioned and I guess I've got biggish hands. The 40d can run at slightly higher ISO, my 400d didn't have live view (not sure about 450d) and I find the extra wheel button on the back of the 40d so much better, quicker and intuitive to use, it's also a lot quicker to review and flick through photos on the camera and it is twice as fast for continuous shooting if moving/action photography is something you will use it for (6 photos per second as opposed to 3). It is larger and heavier but feels more comfortable to me, and you also get a bigger and brighter view finder which I found made a difference. If you're thinking you need or want to shed out on a battery grip for a 4xxd, just buy the 40d for near enough the same money in my opinion and carry a spare battery in your bag/pocket.
As above, try before you buy but..

...I did the 400D to 40D upgrade as well and the difference was obvious. The 40D felt much better and the thumbwheel on the back just makes things so much quicker and easier - it's almost worth the extra cash all by itself. 520 quid for the 40D, providing it's complete with all the bits and bobs and in good nick, and the two lenses is a good price as well.
I'll sound like an echo but go with the 40D.

It feels so much better in the hands. I had a 350D before and it felt like a toy in comparison.
I've had a small bodied xxxD and now have a 20D and the main difference seems to be controls and handling and these are personal things. I do like the dual control wheels of the xxD but the rear one does get knocked now and again.

For me speed of operation, both the cameras responsiveness and the ergonomics, are to be honest pretty irreverent as I've never ever taken more than one shot at a time (except to see how many it would do.) For me not drawing attention and not causing distraction are much more important and this is where a smaller camera can be a plus.

So, looking at the prices I'd be tempted to go for the xxxD if the handling is ok. I think I'd then sell the rather ordinary kit lens and put the money together with the money saved from purchasing the cheaper model towards a nice fast and compact prime.

A small camera body and a small fast prime could be a very nice thing to have.

Good luck choosing, OP.
40D is much better:

* better build and durability (should last 2x as long)
* much faster and more responsive
* much larger viewfinder
* takes CF cards rather than slow SDs.
* easier to handhold unless you have baby hands.
Hi Guys,

Just a little update.

I managed to pick up a used 40D, along with a few polarisers, 18-55 lens and a 55-250 lens, and a couple of CF cards.

All in for £480.

Less than 5000 actuations on the camera.

I should have it tomorrow or Wednesday hopefully.
Excellent choice at a great price Craig :)

With that set up you should be able to turn out some cracking shots. At the level you say you are it still wont be long before you may consider a new lens or two, but certainly adequate for a solid starter kit.

Looking forward to seeing some of your work :)