Notice 52'ers Please read

Boris didn't say we can't take our cameras out during our one stint of outdoor exercise a day or dog walking. As it stands I'm still working so I aim to have my camera with me in the car for the commute in case something suitable appears. Will shoot through the window if necessary. Can't see either of those being an issue as long as safe distances are kept. Archives could be encouraged a bit more as long as they fit the theme, maybe under the proviso they are freshly edited for the 52? But Cobra is correct, This should be kept going through the duration. In fact it could provide a bit of a snapshot of this time in the future.
All good valid points @vanishedbob (y)

And thanks for the idea's so far Joan (y)
Oh heck, I posted a list of ideas last night but it doesn't seem to have posted.
Obviously it decided to self isolate :D

Thanks Andrea (y)
I like the fresh edit of archive shots idea @vanishedbob
Perhaps that should be added as technique? I guess quite a few maybe a tad difficult i light of the current situation..
I was thinking that if someone can't get a shot over the next few weeks, a fresh edit of an archive shot would be just as good.
That way it can be used as often as needed.
Fairy nuff I'll add it
Looks like my circumstances have changed, along with most everybody I know. Changing homes and all the issues that bought put staid to my 52 this year. Just couldn’t get involved.
Looking forward to isolation I think it’s time to get back involved where I can. I do miss the forum immensely especially the banter on the threads. If it’s fine with everybody I would like to rejoin and see if over the next few months I can catch up and start enjoying our great hobby during these awful times. Hoping everybody is safe and well Chris
Looks like my circumstances have changed, along with most everybody I know. Changing homes and all the issues that bought put staid to my 52 this year. Just couldn’t get involved.
Looking forward to isolation I think it’s time to get back involved where I can. I do miss the forum immensely especially the banter on the threads. If it’s fine with everybody I would like to rejoin and see if over the next few months I can catch up and start enjoying our great hobby during these awful times. Hoping everybody is safe and well Chris

Welcome back, Chris. You are not the only one to re-join recently.
Welcome back
I've only just found this thread. Yes good idea @Cobra

Other ideas...
letter - something beginning with a certain letter... or the first letter of your forum name.
household item close up/unusual perspective... or just household item
re-edit of a previous 52 shot, so we can all see the difference.

Good luck catching up @chrispp
Excellent news Dave, loved the little dance!:)
Great news Dave. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

Another big thanks to the wonderful NHS staff everywhere.
Great news
Great news Dave and welcome back to the mad house (y)
Welcome back! Glad you're on the road to recovery.
Hi all - I'm ALIVE!

It's been a tough couple of weeks in hospital and a big rehab to come - I lost 3 stone! This was me being sent home a few days back...
Crikey, good to see you've come out the other side. Welcome back. Wishing you a full speedy recovery.
Great to see you back Dave - hope recovery is as quick and painless as possible xxx