A driving rant !!

and how often do you lot sit stationary in 2 and 3 while i tootle past you in the lorry at 45mph in lane 1. cos no one wants to move into that 500m gap between me and the next lorry.?
2 1/4 diesel 109 station wagon at the time of said incident birdy.. fancy a nice diesel bob tailed rannge rover now tho.
shame i cant afford one.
I almost died of shock today. I saw a BMW indicating...
I thought they didnt have indicators fitted...:D

I think you'll find that indicators are an 'optional extra' on most BMW's ;)
2 1/4 diesel 109 station wagon at the time of said incident birdy.. fancy a nice diesel bob tailed rannge rover now tho.
shame i cant afford one.

Me neither, halcyon days! :(
I think you'll find that indicators are an 'optional extra' on most BMW's ;)

Yes, because everyone else should automatically give way! ;):LOL:

I think however that my No.1 driving pet peeve is those drivers that think an indicator is some sort of force field, ie Indicate => Maneuver. What happened to the "mirrors" part of that equation in the last 10 years?
and how often do you lot sit stationary in 2 and 3 while i tootle past you in the lorry at 45mph in lane 1. cos no one wants to move into that 500m gap between me and the next lorry.?

Sorry, not me ;) Again, "moving with the flow of traffic" isn't undertaking, it's bloody common sense!
While on the subject of annoying "parkers".

Boy racers/teenagers/very able bodied people using disabled or parent n child parking really winds me up.

People using other cars as a way of stopping their trolley from rolling away.
i always try and stick to the law of only moving over a lane when overtaking, but i got to say the other day i was a middle lane hogger!!! (shock!)
It was raining very hard and i moved into lane 1 to let all the BMWs Audi (with side lights and fog lights on) carry on at 100mph in the heavy rain. But as soon as i hit the waterfilled tram lines of the 'slow' lane i was aquaplaning all over the place.
Ever since they allowed trucks to weight even more, they have really messed up the roads.
If you've ever tried driving a mercedes sprinter in those tram lines you will know they pull the van all over the road. The track is wider at the rear than the front, so the groove pulls the back of the van into it before the front and scares the **** out of you!
While on the subject of annoying "parkers".

Boy racers/teenagers/very able bodied people using disabled or parent n child parking really winds me up.

People using other cars as a way of stopping their trolley from rolling away.

I agree about people parking in the disabled spots. Those lazy sods deserve a huge fine.

As for the mother+child spots, whats that all about? No wonder the kids are so fat, they should be made to walk from the very outskirts of the car park :)
As for the mother+child spots, whats that all about? No wonder the kids are so fat, they should be made to walk from the very outskirts of the car park :)

Try getting a screaming child out of a car seat in a normal parking space and then you will see, especially if parked next to a BMW :LOL::LOL:
Try getting a screaming child out of a car seat in a normal parking space and then you will see, especially if parked next to a BMW :LOL::LOL:
yeah thats fair enough, they should def have bigger spaces for mother+child but they should just put them further away so that they can get some exercise :)
yeah thats fair enough, they should def have bigger spaces for mother+child but they should just put them further away so that they can get some exercise :)

Fair point, could always stick em on a bungee as well just to make it more exciting :LOL:

In all honesty I think they put em near as they are meant to be for babes in arms so you can shove em straight in a trolley :shrug:
Fair point, could always stick em on a bungee as well just to make it more exciting :LOL:

In all honesty I think they put em near as they are meant to be for babes in arms so you can shove em straight in a trolley :shrug:

i like the bungee idea, in fact all spaces should have them to make it more fun! nothing more boring than parking in tescos, looking for a trolley and then going shopping. bungeeeeeeee!
Personally I can't help but think parent&child spaces are just marketting spin, but then if it keeps the inconsiderate w*****s from dinging my doors so be it!

How dare I be concerned more about a piece of metal than their precious (invariably screaming) little cherub!
yeah thats fair enough, they should def have bigger spaces for mother+child but they should just put them further away so that they can get some exercise :)

Reminds me of the Lee Evans sketch where he suggests simply releasing live animals into supermarkets, and handing our spears, rather than having a pre-packed meat section!
So when do you join the ranks of us BMW drivers then?


335i M-Sport Coupe, delivered next December when I get back from Iraq. They do a deal where I put the deposit down now (only £200) and today's price is what I pay when the car is delivered...of course this assumes the price won't go down...but it's still a good deal as I get to save an extra £9,000 in Iraq instead of paying for a car I don't own yet.

Only doing 90? Pah! You'll get run off the road over here going that slow on the autobahn...and I always move over for faster cars, as do most German drivers funnily enough...especially if it's a big Audi, Beemer or Merc - they'll betravelling at 155mph+ so it's really just self preservation...
My current pet hate is people who overtake too slowly on the 'A' roads here...there are lots of tractors around and getting stuck behind one is a right pain (and gets you plastered with mud and poo at this time of year). There are lots of drivers here who accellerate to go round the obstacle, then brake to slow down to just under the speed limit, just as you've worked out that, yes, there is enough room to go round as well.
Oh how I love piling through the back windscreen of some dopey Hun in a Volvo...

You have to go inside lane here on Autobahns as well - the Coppers will 'pull' you for middle lane driving if they're bored. Especially with BFG plates...
Been ther seen it and done it Arkady,
Ex forces Aden conflict, plus survived the autobarns:)

Enjoy your self while you can mate:)
BMW drivers. :rolleyes:
Just reading the OP...

Stayed calm and made your point effectivly.

Me (Most likely):

People like that wind me up so quickly... :/