Accordian player

Nice one mark looks good.
Nice shot - really shows some character - she looks like she's hard a tough life!! I think I'd be tempted to boost the contrast or clarity to see if I couldn't bring out those wrinkles a bit more...

I'd also correct the vertical on the right - assuming in reality it was straight and not slanted...
Nice shot - really shows some character - she looks like she's hard a tough life!! I think I'd be tempted to boost the contrast or clarity to see if I couldn't bring out those wrinkles a bit more...

I'd also correct the vertical on the right - assuming in reality it was straight and not slanted...

Boosted the clarity and corrected the vertical what do you guys think.
Accordian liverpool 1-1 by joevis1, on Flickr
great shots,pic 2 is the best for me as its that bit tighter,the subject and back ground are
a perfect combination.