AlanDorset 2024 Week38 People

I wouldn't have known what the shadow was (a ladder, railings etc) without the explanation. Nice and kinda abstract.
Nice one Alan!
Hi Alan,

Water: Okay, I wouldn't have guessed what that was without your description. Nicely frozen motion and I like the colours.
Snappers: Another odd shot, but all the better for it :)

I had to guess which photo was which as you've not labelled them (okay so I counted from the beginning). You might want to label them in your thread as well as in the main thread.
Week 6 Neat & Tidy

Neat & Tidy SooC by Alan Webb, on Flickr

From i-phone, SooC and uploaded

I know, offensive that they don't line up exactly, and then they made some more after that without continuing the same style theme so are just random.
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Snappers: Had to look twice as at first glance it looked like some combat material to me :LOL:
Neat and tidy: a great collection. Nice one.
Yup, mine is looking particularly bad at the moment. The mono treatment really shows it up.
Good idea and very wholesome!!
Just the righthand corner of the table/cutting board...maybe with a straight line behind the fruit? Or not? Dunno. My OCD kicking in probably....
Good idea and very wholesome!!
Just the righthand corner of the table/cutting board...maybe with a straight line behind the fruit? Or not? Dunno. My OCD kicking in probably....
You’re not the only one with photographers OCD and now you’ve said it…..
Yep - fruity tooty working well :)
Interesting set of images. I'm with you on the river as the chosen shot.
Super texture shot Alan :)
The angle and light really highlight the thickness of the paint. Nice one!