Analogue Wonderland photo walk, June 29

Well done all who took part, and well done Analogue Wonderland for organising it, and well done to the walk leaders for all their effort.
I've just had an email from AW - apparently they had 800 photographers who shot in excess of 20,000 photos on Kodak Gold. :snaphappy:

I'm looking forward to the next one . . . :cool:
Yes, it's an exciting concept. If everyone asked to have their negatives returned, think of the potential archives for posterity.
Well done all who took part, and well done Analogue Wonderland for organising it, and well done to the walk leaders for all their effort.
Thank you Lindsay. I was the walk leader for Eastbourne, and although I had never done anything like that before, the people in my group all said they had enjoyed the experience. Photo walks are in themselves a balance between walking, conversations and making pictures, particularly when there is a time constraint of three hours to use up a roll of 36 frames. But, we all did it. Yes, I would do it again, though AW would need to streamline the chaotic ordering system at the end of the walk!
I've just had an email from AW - apparently they had 800 photographers who shot in excess of 20,000 photos on Kodak Gold. :snaphappy:

I'm looking forward to the next one . . . :cool:
Those are impressive stats. This tells them something about the appetite for film, and for photo walks.
There's safety (film) in numbers :exit:

Seriously, well done to all who took part.
I've just had an email from AW - apparently they had 800 photographers who shot in excess of 20,000 photos on Kodak Gold. :snaphappy:
OMG just think of the dev backlog that will cause! I was thinking of sending my roll of P33 to AW, as they seem to be the only ones with actual experience, though in the end I did it myself.
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I was going to send them a B&W film we've just finished on the Pentax 17, I may send it elsewhere just in case.
Yes, I would do it again, though AW would need to streamline the chaotic ordering system at the end of the walk!
Yes, I can understand your reservations. Some of the film only turned up with local walk leaders from AW at 9am on the day.

I'm not denigrating AW or any of the local walks at all. It's a big undertaking and turned out well.
For such a small business, I take my hat off to AW for taking it on. It's great to see a group of people with their passion doing well and I hope it long continues. :cool::beer:

It seems strange letting someone else develop my film though - that's not happened in many, many years. Now instead of a dev. session at the kitchen sink, I'm back for the long wait to see how badly my pictures turned out. I hate scanning negs though, so they're welcome to that. :facepalm:

I'm sure they're prepared for the extra workload and inevitable delays with our stuff, but I imagine they would give their normal customers' work priority over it - it would be foolish not to . . .
Yes, I can understand your reservations. Some of the film only turned up with local walk leaders from AW at 9am on the day.

I'm not denigrating AW or any of the local walks at all. It's a big undertaking and turned out well.
There was a technical hitch with AW's ticketing website a few days before all the walks, so extra emergency films had to be rushed out to some walk leaders, including me! But everyone had their films I think. It was an extraordinary undertaking with months of planning on AW's part. Lessons have been learnt and experience gained, so I'm sure future events will be less raw. Overall, I found the enthusiasm for analogue photography from the participants in my group to be highly infectious.
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