Another Mac or PC but for an architect!

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I was wondering if there were any architects on TP that could help me.
I'm starting out my architecture degree in a month or so and I'm going to need a new machine and I was wondering within the industry in terms of the softwares and everything else there is to consider, which is better to use and more commonly used in the firms and courses?


Oh and is there any gadgets I should know about for architecture?
isnt architecture done in CAD like packages? i "think" there are better CAD packages for PC but i could be wrong.

(awaits for the mac massive to ignore the main question and go down the "mac is better" road :p)
Probably not going to matter either way for you at the moment. It is very unlikely you will be using any software Mac specific but much more likely you will be using software windows specific. However those software packages will almost entirely be used on uni computers and you're probably not going to be using anything other than a basic cad/design package...
AutoCAD seems to be the standard for architecture but hasn't been available for the Mac for about 10 years. There are roumours of a Mac beta version of the software for the Mac but aa full release seems to be some way off. You could run it withn Windows on a Mac if you wanted.
I recently did some work for an architects, they were using around 40 imacs so I'm guessing macs do the job.
Why not ring the college and ask them?
I visited the universities and they seem to have computer labs for both PC and Mac's... some even had linux for some reason O___o.
Try and find out what software is used by the university. It might be on the module specification.

As somebody has already mentioned, Autocad is windows only but I've done civil engineering and managed fine. Just use boot camp for the windows apps, best of both worlds then!

Before you buy I would wait until your at uni because you'll get a student discount! :D
I visited the universities and they seem to have computer labs for both PC and Mac's... some even had linux for some reason O___o.

Architecture is usually bundled in with the arts (BA's HA!;)) so the arts students "need" macs...:LOL: