Beattie Screens

Matt Thomas
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Just wondering if anyone has bought a Beattie for any film camera they own, if so does it make that much difference.

Been thinking of getting for my SQ-A as when using the prism if makes it some what duller and harder to focus

Cheers guys
Used to sell them a while back they were pretty good then. If the shop is close to your home pop in and see if they've got a demo one for you to try out in the shop..
I fitted one to my Olympus OM1 to brighten things up for astro photography.
Made it easier to find focus on stars etc. It was used in combo with a magnifying dioptre, and worked very well as I recall.

This was about 10 years ago, price was £70 from Olympus in Farringdon road in London
Bejesus, they look nice but £200 for a bit of glass?
I got one second hand paid about £30 to fit my Nikon FA and it work a treat adds at least a stop worth of light.
Did you get a plain one or one with a split prism? Was it a one off or a dealer?
Did you get a plain one or one with a split prism? Was it a one off or a dealer?

If your talking to me, I got it from ffordes and it is a plain screen one. I found the FA viewfinder a little dull but adding the bright screen in really helped.

Not sure how well it will work iin a MF camera so looking forward to see what Cherryrig makes of it.
I'm interested in this screen for my Pentax LX

But - for those of you who have the screen...

Is there any noticeable difference seen when you stop down from F1.4 to F1.8/F2/F2.8?

I ask this because modern focussing screens seem to ignore large apertures, making depth of field preview difficult in fast primes.

This is what Beattie have to say:

"...a special surface coating resulting in the transmission of 90% of the light in a much tighter cone of 20deg. compared with around 120deg."


I'm interested in this screen for my Pentax LX

But - for those of you who have the screen...

Is there any noticeable difference seen when you stop down from F1.4 to F1.8/F2/F2.8?

I ask this because modern focussing screens seem to ignore large apertures, making depth of field preview difficult in fast primes.

This is what Beattie have to say:

"...a special surface coating resulting in the transmission of 90% of the light in a much tighter cone of 20deg. compared with around 120deg."



I have just done a kind of comparison between my Nikon F3 (ordinary screen) and the FA which has the Beattie screen in. Ok I know the F3 is 100% view finder and the FA is 95% so the F3 should be brighter anyway.

I compared three prime lens
50mm f1.8
55mm f2.8 macro
105mm f1.8

At full aperature there was not a great difference between them but when stopped down to f11 the FA was noticably brighter than the F3 at the same aperature by say 1/2stop or more.

Have you got yours yet Cherryrig and has it made and has it made it easier to focus?
Yea I got mine today. It is soo much brighter really. The grid is quite helpful really as well for doing comp. The only thing that will take some getting used to is the screen being plain :thinking:

It seems a bit harder to focus as there is no like point (hard to explain really) but with the prism it has helped as it's all soo much brighter.


I'll try and take a photo in a bit to show the diference, if you can even see any :cautious: