weekly Bebop's 52 for 2022 - Week 52: Showcase

I like your processing BB.
Looks like a well polished set of handles.
Nice knobs :) Cool processing too.
Week 30: Dusty

I'm ashamed to say this is the state of my car. It has sat on the drive since May when I had my op, and shortly beforehand we had one of those rain storms that brought the Sahara sand so all the windows are a state too. We're about to have a hose pipe ban as well, I believe :rolleyes:
Ah well, there are more important things...

I have really upped the contrast on the fine detail to make it look worse :LOL:

That’s something a bit different for the theme and the low angle shows the dust really well.
The dust particles on the logo are nicely highlighted - dof works really well. As you say, there are more important things - my car is black and during harvest turns a lovely shade of murky brown!
Yep - works well. I bet the indicator lever is dustier (hehehe)
Works very well. Needs a bucket of water throwing over it to wash off the dust.
Good shot and fits the theme nicely Bee. Just cleaned mine - don't know why, it'll be dirty in a day or two again.....
That’s something a bit different for the theme and the low angle shows the dust really well.
The dust particles on the logo are nicely highlighted - dof works really well. As you say, there are more important things - my car is black and during harvest turns a lovely shade of murky brown!
Yep - works well. I bet the indicator lever is dustier (hehehe)
Works very well. Needs a bucket of water throwing over it to wash off the dust.
Good shot and fits the theme nicely Bee. Just cleaned mine - don't know why, it'll be dirty in a day or two again.....
Thank you all for not shaming me :ROFLMAO: I have now been given the okay to drive and discovered a spider has taken up residence inside when I took an inaugural spin in it yesterday.

Car wash is 9 miles away so it may be dusty for a while yet.
I washed my car the day before the sand arrived here, was not pleased.

Angle works well.

Good angle and well processed BB.
Fits the theme well.
Thanks Peter :)

I think most cars are in the same state TBH.

Nice idea and the low angle really makes for an interesting shot.
Thanks Kell. I took a few and liked this one best. I'm glad I'm not the only one with a dirty car :)

I washed my car the day before the sand arrived here, was not pleased.

Angle works well.

Oh no! I had washed my windows not long before the sand blew in too grr!
Thanks for dropping by Pete.

Very nice little dusty image Bebop, maybe Mr B might wash your car for you lol
Thanks Dave. I might be able to count on one hand the times Mr. B has done that for me in our very many years together, so I won't hold my breath!! :ROFLMAO:

A good shot Bebop. Love the perspective.
Many thanks Bill :)
Playing comment catch-up.

Snappers Choice - Either you cleaned up the window in editing or your idea of "not clean" differs :) Another great image from one of your rooms.

One Half - I will need to be examine peanuts more! The bird detect did work, the bird never got the memo about how fast they were to fly.

Post - Your post processing suits the image, I hid the tree with a thumb to see if it improved it, but I think it helps to define the exaggerated height of the post.

Water - Both your images have different merits, although I do enjoy abstract work so I will go with the glass.

Handles - When there is an image angled like this I can't decide how much of the far right should be included. For comparison I would want to see the full piece of furniture.

Dust - I'm sure it doesn't take long for a layer of it to cover a surface. At least nobody has written "wash me" on it. :)
Playing comment catch-up.

Snappers Choice - Either you cleaned up the window in editing or your idea of "not clean" differs :) Another great image from one of your rooms.

One Half - I will need to be examine peanuts more! The bird detect did work, the bird never got the memo about how fast they were to fly.

Post - Your post processing suits the image, I hid the tree with a thumb to see if it improved it, but I think it helps to define the exaggerated height of the post.

Water - Both your images have different merits, although I do enjoy abstract work so I will go with the glass.

Handles - When there is an image angled like this I can't decide how much of the far right should be included. For comparison I would want to see the full piece of furniture.

Dust - I'm sure it doesn't take long for a layer of it to cover a surface. At least nobody has written "wash me" on it. :)
Gosh Stuart, thanks for taking the time to catch up with comments. I'm happy to enlighten you with the bunny in every peanut. Life will never be the same :)
Yes I had mixed feelings about the tree. I'm glad you like the abstract water image :)

I really like the angle of the car in this picture it's really good and different!
Thanks Simon :)
Week 31: Food

I was hoping to get a bird of prey with food like I did last week, and have tried. I did see an owl looking for Food last night, so I'm not sure if this is a shoehorn. For good measure I did take a pic of our chillies today with my lens baby twist 60. I didn't have much patience I'm afraid as it was too hot and I was unable to get the chillies where I wanted them.... crutches... excuses, excuses :LOL:

Anyway, I shall go with the shoehorn of the owl obviously looking for food.


and here is a prettier one that I quite liked... sooc


and here are our chillies, just to prove I did have a go.... complete with cobwebs :)

Nice sharp shot BB. Well done to take it on crutches.
That second one is a stunner and would be my choice.
That;s not a shoehorn... The Owls intention is clear!

I love the sunset silhouette too, it feels great.

I'm a bit jealous of your chillies, I changed varieties this year and they're only just starting to flower. What are they?
All nice shots Bebop. I agree with Peter about the second shot.
I think you picked the right one Bebop, all are really good.
Thanks Dave :)

That;s not a shoehorn... The Owls intention is clear!

I love the sunset silhouette too, it feels great.

I'm a bit jealous of your chillies, I changed varieties this year and they're only just starting to flower. What are they?
Phew! I got away with it :D Thanks.

We don't know what variety they are. We have two plants at the moment. One was bought as a small plant from a local shop and the other is from seeds from a chilli that we bought at the supermarket to eat - that one is perilously hot!! It's my husband's handiwork really, although I have a hand in drying them and making them in to chilli flakes.

All nice shots Bebop. I agree with Peter about the second shot.
Thanks Bill. Yes I like that shot more too, but it felt a step too far from the food theme :)
Beautiful owl shots Bee. I had the opportunity to capture some owls at a display this week and didn't get a single one worth keeping of one in flight. Missed wings, heads, and mostly blurry!!!!!
Beautiful owl shots Bee. I had the opportunity to capture some owls at a display this week and didn't get a single one worth keeping of one in flight. Missed wings, heads, and mostly blurry!!!!!
Thanks Simon. They are tricky. I've been out several times and the opportunity is come and gone in a second! My new OM camera has a bird detect which works really well - mostly! It's me that is at fault - sometimes I only have only half the bird in the frame :LOL:

Three lovely pics Bebop. Love the owl ones and can’t choose between them.
Many thanks Pete.
Weeks 32 and 33
A catch up from me as I've been caught in the vortex of life and and now have a cold, so may be quiet for a while... much to many people's relief :)

Both images taken at the Black Country Living Museum, which I highly recommend for a visit, and both taken on my phone as I'm still on a crutch and didn't fancy carrying my camera. It's expensive to go in, but the ticket lasts for a year.

Week 32: Internal

I went inside to photograph this colliery wheel thingy.... not as internal as I'd like, but it will have to do.


Week 33: Square

There were quite a few square things knocking about, but I went for the square display on this old petrol pump

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Good image - but is it square?
Good phone images BB.
Internal you can see the cogs so I say yes.
Square - square enough for me.
Internal; Nicely done - I like pieces of industrial machines.
Square - The petrol pump is lovely and well spotted for the theme.