been 'lent' two historic film cameras, now with pics!!


TPer Emerita
Yvonne, pronounced Eve...
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My oldest spanner arrived in work today and collared me in my office when no one was looking. He had with him a blue carrier bag and uttered, in his thick Greek accent, "I have something for you to play with" :eek: :naughty:

What actually emerged was a brown leather case. Inside that was what looked like the Kodak Retinette I have and love so much. Except when he removed its snug body case, what emerged was an immaculate looking Kodak Retina IIc Rangefinder, complete with fitted 50mm lens and a 35mm job still in the main case, which also seems to have a sunlight and close up filter attached to the front.

I have done a quick bit of googling before logging in here and found an instruction manual so will run a roll of film through over the weekend and see if its functioning ok and light sealed. Apparently the shutters can be dodgy on them, but wont really know how ts is until I have done some checking

May take some pics of it later with the slightly more modern D300 and post, its a babe of a camera to look at.

If anyone has any experience with these things and can give any pointers or tips, would be grateful (y)
total rubbish ,,no good ( you know where to send it )
Cool, thanks CT! (y)

This morning also saw the arrival of a Mamiya C330 TLR. Its just > :love::love: This one is with a view to buying after running film through and checking it all functions properly. What a piece of incredibly beautiful engineering it is. (y)
Eeeee... ya jammy madam! :eek:

I shudder to think about it now, but I used to do weddings with a C330, changing rolls on the fly! :D

As you say - beautiful camera and easy to get very fond of. The lenses were expensive back in the day, because you had to buy two lenses effectively each time, (one being the viewing lens) and each lens came with a complete shutter mechanism. Nowadays you can pick lenses up very reasonably.
Thats exactly what this camera was, a wedding togs body and been stored ever since, hence he doesn't want me to buy it from him until we know its functioning ok. I got some basic user instructions, loading film for example as I have never used anyting like this, and advice on checking the light sealing, especially from the bellows. Will pop in to see my mate on monday and collect some film, and in the meantime, will give it a clean up over the weekend, its a little bit dusty, but nothing major as its been wrapped up for several years.

I have visions of of all the weird looks I am going to get, setting it up on the tripod in London somewhere :LOL: :D
LOL. You do realise you're a lost cause now - you're going to end up with shelves full of cameras. :D
:LOL: Looks that way, but want to use them too!....errrr, anyone any good at putting shelves up? :nuts:

Ok, for the film buffs, camera porn.

The Mamiya


the bellows 'appear' to be in excellent condition, but need to find out for sure aswell as any body sealing


..and the Kodak Retina IIC rangefinder, which without film, seems to have a functioning shutter and film wind on mechanism.


standard 50mm lens


the 35mm additional lens plus 2 filters, a skylight and ?? It seems to magnify things when you look through it but not yet attempted to attach lens to camera and check what effect it has.

Two brilliant looking cameras Yv... (y) ... they both look in stunning condition and I would cerainly give them shelf space... ;) ... now where's my screwdriver... :naughty:

Oooh nice Yv , I know nothing about them but they look fab. :D

Isn't Jonno any good at shelves then?

:LOL: you have met him, can you actually visualise him with a drill and screwdriver? .....well, can you visualise that image without the house being a smouldering crater behind him? :nuts: :LOL:
They look very nice! (y)

I wouldn't worry too much about the bellows on the C330. The most likely cause of problems is cracks in the folds, and they tend to be obvious even on a quick inspection. While it's possible to get pinhole leaks in the bellows it's more unlikely and usually due to neglect and unsuitable storage conditions.

I don't think you have any seals to worry about other than the ones that seal the film door ? Have a look at them. With time they tend to either go very dry and brittle with bits flaking off, or degenerate to a stiicky, tarry mess - again with bits coming away. If they're OK pressing them with your finger nail will see them spring back to retain their shape, but I'd guess they're almost certain to need replacing given the age of the camera and the fact it's been stored.

No worries at all though - an absolute doddle to do with one of the 'Interslice' kits off ebay. It's a geezer called Jon Goodman and he couldn't be more helpful.
:LOL: you have met him, can you actually visualise him with a drill and screwdriver? .....well, can you visualise that image without the house being a smouldering crater behind him? :nuts: :LOL:


Poor Jonno, you don't half give him a hard time, lol.

Well being as Vens getting in first I suppose I'd better volunteer as well then... :p
crikey, using that link I have just checked the door seals and they appear to be almost brand new. There is an 'impression' in the wider bit where the door closes against them [its been closed for along time before today], but condition wise, look and feel like new foam, absolutely no flaking or stickiness. Wondering if he replaced them not long before storing it away. :shrug: I think I will take the risk with a roll of film, then if I go ahead and make it mine permanently, maybe look at replacing them anyway. As I am doing this, i am discovering how easy it is to dismantle [very carefully] and blow away any bits of dust at the same time too.

edit: So, thats Ven and FB, anymore want to join the TP shelf raising party? :LOL:
crikey, using that link I have just checked the door seals and they appear to be almost brand new. There is an 'impression' in the wider bit where the door closes against them [its been closed for along time before today], but condition wise, look and feel like new foam, absolutely no flaking or stickiness. Wondering if he replaced them not long before storing it away. :shrug: I think I will take the risk with a roll of film, then if I go ahead and make it mine permanently, maybe look at replacing them anyway. As I am doing this, i am discovering how easy it is to dismantle [very carefully] and blow away any bits of dust at the same time too.

You may be lucky then Yv.

If you let the door fall shut and it sounds like shutting the door on a MK1 Hillman Avenger :puke: it's a good sign the seals aren't providing any cushioning.

When you shut the door you should just need to apply slight pressure to the last bit so you can lock the catch. That very slight pressure is the seals doing their job and just compressing enough to be light tight.
Hmmm, definately no where near a hillman avenger and definately wont go near closing on its own, does require the light pressure then makes a safisying clunk from the actually catch mechanism.

Thanks CT, your help and advice is much appreciated (y) :D
You is welcome. I aint putiin' no shelves up though! :D
are you bringing them to dungeness Yv ?
the bellows 'appear' to be in excellent condition, but need to find out for sure aswell as any body sealing

If the bellows look fine from the outside then I don't think you will have any problems.

These cameras actually have two sets of bellows. The rectangular set which covers the whole of the lens board area and another square set which fits inside and just covers the main taking lens.

Even if there was a pin hole in one set, it would be covered by the other so should not be a problem.

well thats it then i'm filmin it down there .( just so i can give you an ilford to use )
well thats it then i'm filmin it down there .( just so i can give you an ilford to use )

I am half tempted to limit the daytime stuff to film only, Dungeness just cries out for it and having done it last year on digital, the challenge will be fun, especially with you along too for advice and assistance. :naughty: I can save the Nikons for afterdark stuff and WHF following day. We shall see nearer the time ;)
where is it you have to shoot off to the next day ? ( geo location )
Normal guests bring flowers, or chocolates, or bottles of wine or cases of beer [which are best of all (y) ] ... but not our guests, oh no! They bring old film cameras! :bang:

They are both rather lovely actually - the rangefinder Kodak is very pretty.

..... and for some reason the letters D. I. and Y. give me tummy trouble! :shrug:
:LOL: You might think that, but I couldn't possibly comment :whistle:

But if you think that Y stands for Yv, why don't you try sayng "J.F.D.I., Yv!" and see what happens ... :eek:
See what happens when I go off for nap.... :nuts: Anyway, MD came round an brought beer, which would explain why you said "he is welcome to visit anytime" :LOL:

where is it you have to shoot off to the next day ? ( geo location )

Off for another visit to WHF at Smarden in Kent, Andy. In fact, I think you shoudl stick your hand in your pocket and book to come with me, a day with the big cats, I bet they have never seen Nikons with no mirrors on the back :whistle:
just because you girls put mirrors on the backs of your cameras dosent mean we have to ,,,anyway why do you put them there ?
someone mention rabbits ? get the cooker goin

The shutter problem that the Retinett's suffered from was small amounts of oil from the shutter mechanism leaching onto the blades. This oil caused the blades to stick and wouldn't open. ( Yes i know oil is a lubricant, but as a thin film it can cause problems).

It's not a difficult job to get at the blades and clean them, but it is a job for a specialist.

If the shutters are working OK, I'd say leave alone and enjoy the cameras.

The other filter looks like a +1 diopter close up lens.