been 'lent' two historic film cameras, now with pics!!

(y) thanks Chappers. No plans to touch the shutter elements, when I set it at low speeds so I can actually see it operating, they all move out and back in, can't see any catching or sticking in any way so will leave well alone.

I think you are probably right about the other filter, it definately has some kind of magnifying ability.

Got some 120 film today and got a day off tomorrow, so plan of some serious instruction reading, followed by a couple of hours up round the Thames, Kingston way, to start taking a few shots with them both. My Mechanic is more then happy for me to have the kodak on 'long term' loan and if the mamiya is as good as it seems, need to make a decision on buying it and how much to offer, but thats for next week ;)
ok, two rolls of film put through them, including leaving them in sunlight for several hours to check seals, and all seems ok.

First off, the Mamiya C330. I used Fuji Superia ISO400. Shots taken on Tuesday evening, one early on when it was dull and over cast, the second one at sunset over the Thames at Kingston. All I have done from the images the developers scanned from negs is cropped off the rough edges and resized. I didn't meter for any of these so exposures were guessed at. The current lens is the 80mm and I have discovered how difficult it is to shoot a moving object with one of these things, but looking foward to putting some good B&W film through it now :D



ok, now for the Retina IIc - this was a really basic roll of Kodak iso200 film that Kelly gave me last week, the sort of stuff that comes with disposable cameras. Again, exposures were guess work, the first one being to test the dof of using it at F2.8 on the 50mm, the second at sunset.


this one was the last on the roll and it and less so on previous shot, there are parallel lines running across the shots, about quarter of way down...not sure if its the camera, the scanner or what, but only visible on these two shots :shrug:- any ideas?

First one looks a bit over, and the all look like they had a right good smack with the sharpening tool...:)
I like the muted colours, doesn't look to be too much wrong with either camera, the others seem to be metered ok.
Does the TLR see everything backerds ?, my Bronica did, it was a right bugger to compose horsey head shots, never mind anything moving..:LOL:

Oh, I forgot, my money is on the scanner, but only at top end resolution..
First one looks a bit over, and the all look like they had a right good smack with the sharpening tool...:)
I like the muted colours, doesn't look to be too much wrong with either camera, the others seem to be metered ok.
Does the TLR see everything backerds ?, my Bronica did, it was a right bugger to compose horsey head shots, never mind anything moving..:LOL:

Like I say, not touched by me at all, only resized, though of course, I cant say if the developers did anything. There was basically no metering at all, I guess the lot, so whilst there is some over/under, for guess work, I am actually quite pleased :LOL:

Yes, it sees everything wrong way round, so you stand there, having seen a sculler coming in from the right and get totally confused when it appears in the viewfinder from the left :LOL: :nuts:
ahh right, you'll have a much better idea about exposure from your own b/w scans, you never know what they did in the lab.
Looking at the negs for clues is tough without a loupe, especially with 35mm negative colour.
indeed, which brings me to the next question, though I suppose I could google there any kind of device that allows a standard scanner to scan negatives? Or am I looking at expence for a dedicate machine? In fairness to the developers, I know they normally do a very good job but they have some temp staff in due to the holidays who may not be quite as competent as their regular people :bonk:

However, having said all that, looking at the negs agin this morning in daylight with more awake eyes, the last couple of frames 'look' like the section between the two lines has been 'dragged' slightly - hard to explain but basically there is a slight bulge on one side roughly in line with those scratches and a matching concave bit on the opposite side. So, either the camera has dragged the area, or it was a manufacturing defualt on the film, not really sure.
indeed, which brings me to the next question, though I suppose I could google there any kind of device that allows a standard scanner to scan negatives? Or am I looking at expence for a dedicate machine? In fairness to the developers, I know they normally do a very good job but they have some temp staff in due to the holidays who may not be quite as competent as their regular people :bonk:

The problem with scanning negs Yv, is that they need to be lit from above rather than below like most document scanners. Some scanners have a llittle module that comes with them. It looks a bit like a large (computer type) mouse with a light inside and it usually gets it's power from a dedicated accessory socket on the body of the scanner. In all honesty they're a pain in the bum, it's very fiddly loading and lining up one neg at a time and scan quality varies between rubbish and crap.

Short of a dedicated neg scanner which will be very expensive - have a look at flatbed scanners like the Epson V700 which genuinely rival the quality of a dedicated neg scanner and allow you to scan everything from 35mm to sheet film with neg carriers provded.for each format.
However, having said all that, looking at the negs agin this morning in daylight with more awake eyes, the last couple of frames 'look' like the section between the two lines has been 'dragged' slightly - hard to explain but basically there is a slight bulge on one side roughly in line with those scratches and a matching concave bit on the opposite side. So, either the camera has dragged the area, or it was a manufacturing defualt on the film, not really sure.

Just check out your camera Yv and have a look at the pressure plate which holds the film flat in the back. It should be clean with no sign of muck or grit, but it's an obvios source of tramline type scratches, although they tend to extend the length of the film.

Other than that, it could be caused by anything from being fed through the automated processor, to a problem with the scanner, to the YOPS kid doing the processing that day. :D

I feel a TPF film meet coming on? ;)
Yes, it sees everything wrong way round, so you stand there, having seen a sculler coming in from the right and get totally confused when it appears in the viewfinder from the left

Great fun the first time you try to follow a moving subject!

Every time that I've had lines like that it has turned out to be a problem with the scanner (a Fujifilm Frontier). When it's happened it's been at my local Jessops and they've always re-done them without question.
Nobody's ever suggested that before, an any format film only meet that is..:)

Yeah run what ya brung - seems to be enough interest now? :shrug:
To be fair Spencer (ghandi) has suggested this before I think.
He did ?

I musta missed that one ADD probably...doh
Yeah he scared me off with wanting to yomp ten miles with occassional stops for eye lash press ups! :D
Thanks CT and all and apolgies for taking so long to get back. I was at work earlier and you know how it is, the customers insist you give them your undivided attention :wacky: :LOL:

I shall check the camera in the morning for any crud or otherwise on the backplate and will see what happens next film.

However, as for a film meet, sounds like a plan to me :D Mind you, Andy [donut] considers EVERY meet to be a fim meet :LOL:

Dotn want one of that yomping 10 miles and eyelash press ups though, I am a middle aged woman I'll have you know, I dont do yomping these days :nono:

Could be real fun and interesting to see what peeps bring. The usual problem is finding an interesting venue within reasonable distance for everyone. I'd be up for any olde worlde type historical town with a bit of character or something like Warwick castle with a bit of history to it and lots of medieval stuff goin on - jousting and stuff. I'm up for anything though really.