weekly blakesters 52 for 2013 Finally Complete! Last 3 weeks added

Nice reflection/light but I'm not getting a very good feeling from this one Iain. Maybe it's because that apart from him obviously being a person - clever as always - unusually for you he's not doing anything (at least I hope not, there is something sticking out of his bum :puke:). Perhaps you spoiled us with your other submissions, and now I expect too much? Maybe you could add a misses paper clip, and they could go on adventures? Or a paper clip Cow! :love:
Hellooooo :wave:

Concept.....imagination....Execution... all top drawer stuff Iain .Your imagination really know's no bounds :clap:
Nice reflection/light but I'm not getting a very good feeling from this one Iain. Maybe it's because that apart from him obviously being a person - clever as always - unusually for you he's not doing anything (at least I hope not, there is something sticking out of his bum :puke:). Perhaps you spoiled us with your other submissions, and now I expect too much? Maybe you could add a misses paper clip, and they could go on adventures? Or a paper clip Cow! :love:

Cheers Brian, I appreciate your opinion and critique, also can see where you are coming from but in my defence, this was an absolute bugger to put together. Its all I could do to get the figure to stay in one piece. It was nigh on impossible to pose the figure or get it to 'do something'.
As for the thing sticking out his bum :LOL: please see below for explanation. All excuses I know but I reached my limitations on this one I'm afraid.

Hellooooo :wave:

Concept.....imagination....Execution... all top drawer stuff Iain .Your imagination really know's no bounds :clap:

Thanks Lynne, I have a head full of nonsense :LOL:
Below is posted an edit on this weeks submission.

by iain blake, on Flickr

Up until this evening, I had no proper editing software on my computer.
Shortly after my laptop died (well I killed it actually but thats another story) I purchased a mac desktop but didn't have any editing software for it until tonight that is.
I have signed up and downloaded Adobe creative suite, well photoshop and lightroom to be precise.

The thing sticking out the figures bum, as Brian so succinctly put it :LOL: was actually a larger paperclip which supported the smaller paperclips which I would have liked to have cloned out but couldn't until now.

i am still finding my way around the software, its a bit of a learning curve :D
I love the manuscript shot. I wouldn't say it was a shoehorn, but a nice interpretation of the theme. A really nice shape, and the DOF is spot on. Only the little kink in the bottom curve of the paper jars a little.

The paperclip fella... you must have the patience of a saint! Nicely done, but I'm not sure I like it and I'm not sure why. Maybe it's that the figure is a bit messy (obviously it will be given the materials), just not sure.
I love the manuscript shot. I wouldn't say it was a shoehorn, but a nice interpretation of the theme. A really nice shape, and the DOF is spot on. Only the little kink in the bottom curve of the paper jars a little.

The paperclip fella... you must have the patience of a saint! Nicely done, but I'm not sure I like it and I'm not sure why. Maybe it's that the figure is a bit messy (obviously it will be given the materials), just not sure.

Cheers Nick, appreciate your view (y)

The messy look was what I was after.

That looks easy to make ;)

Ya know, no crit from me. Just ooooffff, at your patience.

Cheers and :clap: at 1K+.

Cheers Andy, it did test my patience this one :LOL:
Thanks, +1000 that's a lot of chat:LOL:
Hi Iain,

Usual high standard of idea, and execution the last two weeks. (y)

Not sure how "on theme" food is, plenty more obvious choices to have been had - and you could have eaten the props..... Love the shallow DOF, and the curl allowing the notes to slide out of focus as well as around the curve, plenty to look at there!

Paperclip man, can't even imagine the difficulties in constructing him, shot looks well taken too, liking the reflection from his feet and the box too!
Hi Iain,

Usual high standard of idea, and execution the last two weeks. (y)

Not sure how "on theme" food is, plenty more obvious choices to have been had - and you could have eaten the props..... Love the shallow DOF, and the curl allowing the notes to slide out of focus as well as around the curve, plenty to look at there!

Paperclip man, can't even imagine the difficulties in constructing him, shot looks well taken too, liking the reflection from his feet and the box too!

Thanks Graham (y)
i agree about food, without the title it doesn't really work ;)
i considered a literal take but never really intended to take it in that direction.

Paperclip man wasn't without his problems and frustration in making him but I got there in the end. His construction and relative fragile state limited me in posing him and have him 'do something' as has been mentioned above.

Hi Iain

Food - an original idea. I have not posted mine yet but found it difficult to get away from a literal take on this. Yours is brilliant. (y) As to the discussion on the shoehorn, i feel that this is where a title is an integral part of the shot. I never title mine, other than the theme title (not sure if this is laziness , lack of inspiration or an inability to think laterally) - but I think that a title can add so much. I hate going round art galleries and seeing a piece of art titled as 'Untitled'.

Art - another labour of love. Lots to like about it - the pose (and I do think that it is doing something, even tho that is not clear, because the figure is has a feeling of movement) My first thoughts were of a cowboy gunslinger on his horse
Hi Iain

Food - an original idea. I have not posted mine yet but found it difficult to get away from a literal take on this. Yours is brilliant. (y) As to the discussion on the shoehorn, i feel that this is where a title is an integral part of the shot. I never title mine, other than the theme title (not sure if this is laziness , lack of inspiration or an inability to think laterally) - but I think that a title can add so much. I hate going round art galleries and seeing a piece of art titled as 'Untitled'.

Art - another labour of love. Lots to like about it - the pose (and I do think that it is doing something, even tho that is not clear, because the figure is has a feeling of movement) My first thoughts were of a cowboy gunslinger on his horse

Thanks Alan (y)
I agree that the title is absolutely key for food being on theme, a little crowbar doesn't hurt ;)

I can see the gunslinger in the figure :LOL:
I like your interpretation of it, thanks again.
My take on Week 47 - Friendship

A little late in posting these but hey, I got there eventually.
I have been on a wedding photography training course for 2 days this week, courtesy of @Robbi who so generously offered it to me.
Two of the images below are from that course, the other is more towards my usual style ;)
C&C welcome as always.

Look of Love
by iain blake, on Flickr

A Moment in Time
by iain blake, on Flickr

An Office Affair
by iain blake, on Flickr
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The last one is great but I prefer the second one, a nice intimate capture in a very nice setting with lovely autumn colours.

Thanks Mark, the first two were my intended submissions, the last one just for fun. Cheers (y)
Your fun submission is just great, a fantastic, quirky little storyboard, and really nicely done.

I really like Look of Love too. The colours, the blue against the stone, along with the body language, and the composition. It's a quality image.

A Moment in Time is a nice image overall, good colours in the tree, and reinforced by the autumnal dress, but on my (admittedly small) screen I can't pick out enough detail in the faces to connect with.
Your fun submission is just great, a fantastic, quirky little storyboard, and really nicely done.

I really like Look of Love too. The colours, the blue against the stone, along with the body language, and the composition. It's a quality image.

A Moment in Time is a nice image overall, good colours in the tree, and reinforced by the autumnal dress, but on my (admittedly small) screen I can't pick out enough detail in the faces to connect with.

Thanks Nick (y)
I understand about 'A Moment in Time', perhaps this one would be better as a whole set as opposed to a stand alone image, maybe alongside ones where you can see the couple's faces more clearly then it would be in context?
Thanks Nick (y)
I understand about 'A Moment in Time', perhaps this one would be better as a whole set as opposed to a stand alone image, maybe alongside ones where you can see the couple's faces more clearly then it would be in context?

Not only that, but if I was a client, and then would obviously know that was me and the Mrs, I would view it from a completely different perspective. My comments should only be taken from the point of view of an uninvolved party, looking at a single image out of context.
Honestly, based on your creativity and artistic eye, if you were doing that kind of work, and I was getting married again (which is not on the cards I hasten to add), I would be giving you a call.
Not only that, but if I was a client, and then would obviously know that was me and the Mrs, I would view it from a completely different perspective. My comments should only be taken from the point of view of an uninvolved party, looking at a single image out of context.
Honestly, based on your creativity and artistic eye, if you were doing that kind of work, and I was getting married again (which is not on the cards I hasten to add), I would be giving you a call.

I understand completely Nick, I did consider putting more in as a set, to give it context but decided against doing that.
The one of the engaged couple was chosen as it wasn't 'only' about the couple but the impressive building they were standing against. I didn't really want some 'random' couple photograph in my 52 to be honest but if I couldn't think of something else, then it and the wedding couple would be fall backs. As it turned out, I liked the photographs and decided, thats what I've been shooting this week, it fits the theme so, why not?

The paperclips storyboard were, well just an idea in my usual style I think.

I am on the edge of doing wedding photography, that course was a fantastic input into it and the business side of it.
Give me a call ;) I will do you a special TP 52'er special rate :LOL:
Hi Iain

Of the 2 wedding pics the "look of love" stands out for me the magnificent door makes a good frame for the image.

The paper clips is more of what we expect from you and excellent though it is its nice to see something different.

good luck with the wedding photography I am sure you will be very good at it
Hi Iain

Of the 2 wedding pics the "look of love" stands out for me the magnificent door makes a good frame for the image.

The paper clips is more of what we expect from you and excellent though it is its nice to see something different.

good luck with the wedding photography I am sure you will be very good at it

Thanks Allan (y)
To be honest, I had made my mind up during the week that I was going to submit some of the wedding photography ones, the paperclips was an afterthought.
You are quite correct too, it is good to see something different. I could really get into the people photography side of things.

I have been looking through my images/catalogue recently, more specifically for images to enter into a print competition in the camera club I am a member of, with the theme of faces. it struck me that I don't have any worthy images of people/faces in my catalogue and thought that is something I must remedy.

I literally 'fell' into wedding photography, my daughter 'volunteered' me to shoot one of her friends wedding, and my journey began. i have been second shooter on 3 weddings now with Damien (slimbert) on here in preparation for shooting the wedding. The 2 days training I got generously offered by Robbi on here, he won it and couldn't attend so asked if I would be interested. It has really sparked my enthusiasm for people photography and its one which I am determined to pursue.

Thanks again for your kind words, much appreciated (y)
Love No. 1 - All I can say is that I would be pleased with that if I was a client. (and I'm a hard to please client).

Not so keen on number 2 mainly because as Nick said the "moment" is about them and the picture sems to be about the setting. If I were in it I would feel differently I'm sure!

No. 3 - I can't believe that you submitted that without a NSFW tag. I'm blushing here Iain! - All in good jest mate, you are SO frikin talented at that sort of stuff! (y)
Love No. 1 - All I can say is that I would be pleased with that if I was a client. (and I'm a hard to please client).

Not so keen on number 2 mainly because as Nick said the "moment" is about them and the picture sems to be about the setting. If I were in it I would feel differently I'm sure!

No. 3 - I can't believe that you submitted that without a NSFW tag. I'm blushing here Iain! - All in good jest mate, you are SO frikin talented at that sort of stuff! (y)

Cheers Brian,
I agree on #2, I think it really must be seen as part of a set as opposed to a standalone image.

:LOL: on #3, one of my Facebook friends described it as raunchy:D
I've said it before, but I really enjoy the making/creating of these props but run the risk of it being more about the subject than the photography.
I mentioned above about camera club competitions, I would use these sort of images sparingly in the club comps as the judges don't really 'get them' and it is more about the subject than photography skills. Thanks for your kind comments Brian, I am flattered, genuinely flattered :eek:ops: (I think thats a blushing smiley) :LOL:
Iain, The office affair is a beauty.

The people images are good in their own right and stand up as such. I think these images are using people as a context as opposed to being the main subject. If it were the people being photographed i would be slightly disappointed as they are more decorative and as such provide the seasoning to the image.

Great shots.
Iain, The office affair is a beauty.

The people images are good in their own right and stand up as such. I think these images are using people as a context as opposed to being the main subject. If it were the people being photographed i would be slightly disappointed as they are more decorative and as such provide the seasoning to the image.

Great shots.

Thanks Alan, that is so succinctly put (y)
That was partly my thinking behind my choice of shots, I wanted the building/door to be more the subject than the people. Of course, the people are a necessary element to bring the images on theme and of course for context and content. Otherwise they would just be photographs of a building and a big blue door :LOL:. I certainly feel, that for the people shots, they ideally have to be seen as a set as opposed to standalone images.

Thanks again for your kind comments and interpretation of the shots.
In fact, having looked again, the images are superb in so much as if you imagine both images without the people - you end up with nothing. Brilliant.

Thanks again Alan, thats kinda where I was at with the images. If not seen as a whole set, at least there is some interest in there, and the couples bring a sense of scale to the scene, especially the married couple against the door.
Hi Iain :)

Not too bad a catch up to do on yours thank god

Left - I'm never sad to see a default foot image mate... a left foot at that, I too spotted the lighter big toe at first, an interesting rock with lovely colour and textures, as for the crop i'm not sure, i feel I want to see the rest of the rock at the top left that has fallen out of frame, but also guessing you took it out for a good reason :)

Food - Mmmmmm reminds me of Chips :D - an interesting shot which is actually very nice on the eye... once the crowbar is out of it ;)

Art - Clever idea again, i too like the use of the box in the shot, good background that fades great into the shiny base very well, love the subtle reflection too (y)

Friendship - Hahaaaa I sometimes wonder about your imagination, that last one, the triptych is a classic :LOL:
Nice work on the two from the wedding course, well exposed and processed for the door one, compositionally not a lot can go wrong with that, as long as you get it all in, paving stones give nice lines in too.

The other one is cool too, but I prefer the door one.

and the little paperclip romance.... :LOL: love the little baby girl in the last shot.

All I can pick up on these, is the differences between each shot, particularly the lighting horizontal line along the tops, and the colours of the yellow and green post its are different between 2 & 3.

But the humour and creativity far outweigh any negatives from those points. (y)

No crit to offer anywhere just a resounding :clap::clap: for all the images.....

Are paper clips gonna be your next little project ? I can see several stories being told with them as you have an incredible imagination (y)

The wedding shots.....no difference to see between those & some on here from Pro's , perfect settings , loads of detail but not over powering the couple....I shall be recommending you to anyone looking for a wedding photographer :clap:
First up, apologies for not replying sooner, I have been looking in but hadn't the time to give a considered reply, work, work, work!!

Hi Iain :)

Not too bad a catch up to do on yours thank god

Left - I'm never sad to see a default foot image mate... a left foot at that, I too spotted the lighter big toe at first, an interesting rock with lovely colour and textures, as for the crop i'm not sure, i feel I want to see the rest of the rock at the top left that has fallen out of frame, but also guessing you took it out for a good reason :)

Food - Mmmmmm reminds me of Chips :D - an interesting shot which is actually very nice on the eye... once the crowbar is out of it ;)

Art - Clever idea again, i too like the use of the box in the shot, good background that fades great into the shiny base very well, love the subtle reflection too (y)

Friendship - Hahaaaa I sometimes wonder about your imagination, that last one, the triptych is a classic :LOL:

Cheers Dean (y)
Left, that was a specific crop I wanted to try. One of the cafes we had breakfast in on the Glencoe trip had prints up. One artist used a length wise letterbox crop and it really appealed to me.
Food, crowbar, what crowbar :whistle:
Art, thanks, that was about as much as I could do with that figure.
Friendship, what about my imagination? ;) Where do you think paperclips come from? :LOL:

Nice work on the two from the wedding course, well exposed and processed for the door one, compositionally not a lot can go wrong with that, as long as you get it all in, paving stones give nice lines in too.

The other one is cool too, but I prefer the door one.

and the little paperclip romance.... :LOL: love the little baby girl in the last shot.

All I can pick up on these, is the differences between each shot, particularly the lighting horizontal line along the tops, and the colours of the yellow and green post its are different between 2 & 3.

But the humour and creativity far outweigh any negatives from those points. (y)

Thanks Graham (y)
On the difference in each shot, I changed the direction of the lighting on them, which is probably why they're different.
I actually don't mind it at all, I think it helps differentiate between the frames more, but you are quite correct in your observations.

Some decent wedding photographs there....

Last one Mae me chuckle, especially #2 :)

Well thought out and cracking idea. What must your wife think :LOL:

No real crit.


Cheers Andy (y)
:LOL: Michele is well used to my daft ideas.


No crit to offer anywhere just a resounding :clap::clap: for all the images.....

Are paper clips gonna be your next little project ? I can see several stories being told with them as you have an incredible imagination (y)

The wedding shots.....no difference to see between those & some on here from Pro's , perfect settings , loads of detail but not over powering the couple....I shall be recommending you to anyone looking for a wedding photographer :clap:

Thanks Lynne (y)
I don't see the paperclips being the next little project but I will see if any ideas spring to mind.
Thanks for your kind comments on the wedding shots too.
Week 48 - Sleek
I am not sure about this one, I had the idea but I don't think I have quite achieved what I envisaged.
I will put this down to 'post and be damned' (again) :LOL:

C&C welcome as always but not expected, its late and also I haven't been around everyones threads this week.

Week 48 - Sleek
by iain blake, on Flickr
Hello, Iain, Sleek....I was a bit meh when I first saw it, but as I often do, I decided not to comment but revisit and I'm glad I did. It had a real Instagram feel to it, and this suits it. Well composed. The air control tower (possibly) in the BG really does add to the photograph. The letterbox processing works well, especially the black upper and lower bands. I did think it was a composite but suspect it isn't. Yeah, like it.

Colour. On theme and they have a real optical illusion feel to them, especially on iPad when I tilt the screen.

I do wonder, though, why when you live on London, as they say, 'get out more'? I recall one of your posts in London being a doozy :)

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totally loving those last three, the black background makes the colours pop fantastically. Faved on flickr :)

Cheers Chris (y)

Hello, Iain, Sleek....I was a bit meh when I first saw it, but as I often do, I decided not to comment but revisit and I'm glad I did. It had a real Instagram feel to it, and this suits it. Well composed. The air control tower (possibly) in the BG really does add to the photograph. The letterbox processing works well, especially the black upper and lower bands. I did think it was a composite but suspect it isn't. Yeah, like it.

Colour. On theme and they have a real optical illusion feel to them, especially on iPad when I tilt the screen.

I do wonder, though, why when you live on London, as they say, 'get out more'? I recall one of your posts in London being a doozy :)


Thanks Andy, I am still a bit meh about sleek, another theme which didn't inspire me and it was very much a post and be damned as we have come to term it :LOL:

I don't actually live in London Andy, I am 60miles away from the City.
I should really get out more but I do a $h1t load of travelling during the week that some weekends I can't really be arsed :LOL:
Take yesterday for example, I started work in the City, went down to south London in the morning, back into the City around midday, west London early afternoon then up to Manchester and back last night. A grand total of an 19 hour working day.

I do understand what you are saying though mate, my 52 this year has consisted of a lot of still life shots.
That'll be my New Year resolution, to get out more with the camera :D