That must have taken ages to stick all those shells up, great way to decorate a building very quirky. Great shot!
Great back story on your shot. Works nicely for the theme.
Nice. I'm actually torn though as to whether or not I prefer the wider shot.
Two nice shots but No1 for the theme
Agree with your choice of the 2, maybe it could handle a bit more exposure. I can’t imagine the time taken to put them on, wonder if it was a diy job and where do you buy x thousand shells from.
Cheers. Done!!I love the pop of colour on the light.
If you haven’t already done it, the. It would fit Vivid tech too.
Nice colours and pop on personal and shadows is a fun picture with nice shadow, was he a parachutist once upon a time.
Unkempt That poor building certainly fits the theme Bob, think it would be very impressive building with a few coats of paint, though some of the bits at the front look out of place - maybe an extension at some time. Got to agree with Kell re the exposure .
First one for me. I like the wet day and reflections. Most are a bit dark on my screen too.
Great chosen shot Bob. Certainly fits the theme and the composition with reflections is lovely.
Great shot, really needs viewing full screen to fully appreciate it. I do agree with Kell that bumping the brightness and contrast helps - the damage to the paint. is much more obvious.
Love all the images for the unkempt theme you have. I am thinking along the same lines with my dog for week 14.
Great image - though I think I prefer the original.
For me, it's the eyes that make the shot.
That's great!
Gobtastic - Perfik for the theme
Good gob shots, like both shots, can see the “loon“in his eyes, waiting for a treat or ball?
He has a good set of teeth, could use that pic to advertise dog tooth paste
Excelent shot Bob. Right on the money.
Great shot. he has perfect teeth.
I know people say "fits the theme" but really that couldn't be a gobbier gob shot!
That's really good Bob. Not sure I can get my dog to do that!
Great pic, I do like the eyes in the uncropped version but I think you made the right choice because of that phone shadow
Very intense look in his eye and a perfect gob shot.
Unkempt: I would go for the chosen shot for the pov. Works well. I agree with Kell that they are all a little dark
Gob shot: Fabulous dog shot - and very clean teeth!
Waiting for a treat?
Lovely looking dog.