I do wish people would stop posting pictures that make me salivate so!!!
Very nice pic, and well done for waiting long enough to take the picture before downing it.
Nice pic Bob, like the focus on the drink and condensation on the glass.
Well, now I fancy a pint! Great picture!
I'd guess an accomplice intent not getting caught 'hand-in-glove' with the criminal.
I’d think that they are runners gloves, based on the fluorescent green pairs and the logo on the t-shirt, but very happy for that not to get in the way of a good picture for the theme. Love the colours
I knew flamingos were pink because they eat pink shrimp but didn't realise they'd change if they ate something else. Let's see what else they'll eat! Well timed shot with the stretched leg.
What if that person's job is making gloves?
And I know it's going back a bit, but that's a really nice dragonfly shot in your previous batch!
A nice couple of monos Bob
I like both of these, particularly week 38 with the different activity going on from different people, the girl in the foreground adds a feeling of activity or urgency which makes it for me.
Lovin' the 'shroom Bob
Candid - great shot, more than one possible storyline.
Friends - yes indeed
Mushroom or toadstool, the endless debate!
Nicely hornshoed Bob
Consider the shoe horned Bob
Shoe horn or not, it's got interest. The mono treatment lifts it.