weekly Boots' 52 for 2021

You're bananas...

Really like fur. I think I'd be sorely tempted to crop (or clone) out the white tuft at the top but that's minor...
Thanks Ian! I too was tempted to crop tighter, but wondered if it needed the context (I often have that internal debate; but I have never got a sensible answer). There are some advantages of having a cat who spends 95% of the day sleeping.
I often have that internal debate;
The downside to internal debates is that you never win them. Upside is you never lose either :)
It's a good pov and I do like the diagonal of the cables.

Snappers choice
It's a nice scene with a good reflection.

Well that's a different take.

It's a little dark for me, but it's easily recognisable as fur.
It's a good pov and I do like the diagonal of the cables.

Snappers choice
It's a nice scene with a good reflection.

Well that's a different take.

It's a little dark for me, but it's easily recognisable as fur.
Thanks Dominic!
Week 33 - Clean

Sadly allowed myself to slip behind again, so another catch up.

Got myself in a bit of a pickle over this theme, so eventually decided to just go with the poor image I had got. Apologies to anyone eating when they see this!

Just when I thought I had the scrolls up to date... ;)

Clean - Um, I don't know what that is. (And I haven't done my shot for Clean yet either).
Glass(es) - Er, not sure what that is either. it looks like coloured tin foil at that magnification. Anyway, it's nicely central in the shot.
Just when I thought I had the scrolls up to date... ;)

Clean - Um, I don't know what that is. (And I haven't done my shot for Clean yet either).
Glass(es) - Er, not sure what that is either. it looks like coloured tin foil at that magnification. Anyway, it's nicely central in the shot.
Thanks Tim!

The first is (sorry!) down a toilet with some Harpic (other cleaning products are available).

The second is a detail in the glass panel of our front door, with a car brake light and a bit of undergrowth visible.
The first is (sorry!) down a toilet with some Harpic (other cleaning products are available).

The second is a detail in the glass panel of our front door, with a car brake light and a bit of undergrowth visible.
now you say its obvious.

I like the colours in your glass shot.
Week 35 - Shooter's Choice and Technique - Free Lensing

Free Lensing.JPG

This photo attempts to demonstrate the Scheimpflug effect by holding the lens slightly away from the camera, but at a fairly radical angle. Thereby orientating the plane of focus through the globe, the right most lens and the edge of the door beyond. A tilt-shift lens in effect.
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Week 36 - Unnatural


It's not everyday you see an inflatable pink flamingo nestling between two narrowboats.
Week 37 - Natural


A lovely pastoral scene with horses in a meadow going down to a stream - what could be more natural?

Except nothing there is really natural. The fences and telegraph pole are obviously not natural. The stream is the Grand Union Canal - before the 1790s this was just fields. Those fields however, if left to their own devices, would be covered by wild woods. And the horses? 6000 years of selective breeding by humans has changed their appearance massively.
Flamingo - brilliant!
Pastoral scene - nice, but also interesting when you add the explanation.....
Lovely misty autumn shot.

The flamingo made me smile and is perfect for the theme.

Now that I've read about your natural shot, I'm not sure it's on theme :ROFLMAO: though it looks like it is!

I really like the free lensing pic - good subject choice. It works well.
Free week (35) - Scheimpflug - I had to look that up, and still think I am none the wiser. I think I see what you mean about the focal plane and it is well executed.
Unnatural - Lol, gotta love that. The pink works nicely to contrast with the blue of the boat and the grass. Good spot.
Natural - Surely the weeds are natural though ;) A clever bit of thinking put into that (y)
Autumn - No Fair. You got a mist/fog day... Reds, greens and mist. sells the Autumn feel well.
Free week (35) - Scheimpflug - I had to look that up, and still think I am none the wiser. I think I see what you mean about the focal plane and it is well executed.
Unnatural - Lol, gotta love that. The pink works nicely to contrast with the blue of the boat and the grass. Good spot.
Natural - Surely the weeds are natural though ;) A clever bit of thinking put into that (y)
Autumn - No Fair. You got a mist/fog day... Reds, greens and mist. sells the Autumn feel well.
Thanks Tim! ... you're right about the weeds!
Week 40 - Architecture


A local planned development of low impact, eco homes with zero carbon footprint.
A nice group of photos - I like the mushroom photos, though may have been tempted to get a little lower angle.
A nice group of photos - I like the mushroom photos, though may have been tempted to get a little lower angle.
Thanks Simon! You are quite right about the angle of the last one - my excuse is access was a problem.
Nice red shroom - I agree with Simon though, would have been nice to see some stalk / gills too.
Door - is that an Inn for the fairies? Very unusual and spot on for theme. We have a few fairy houses at the bottom of trees near where I live. I have yet to see a fairy :)

Architecture - love it - very funky and again different to anything else I've seen.

Red - I had the same idea. Your specimen is rather more beautiful than the ones I found, and I like that you have the other fungi in the background.
Door - is that an Inn for the fairies? Very unusual and spot on for theme. We have a few fairy houses at the bottom of trees near where I live. I have yet to see a fairy :)

Architecture - love it - very funky and again different to anything else I've seen.

Red - I had the same idea. Your specimen is rather more beautiful than the ones I found, and I like that you have the other fungi in the background.
Thanks @Bebop !
Week 42 - Irregular

I had an idea in my head for this, but when I looked I couldn't find quite what I had imagined. However nothing else has loomed up in front of me, so it will just have to do.

Such a simple solution to a theme I’m struggling with. The DOF highlights what’s important nicely.
Box ticked :)
On Theme and I was thinking expressions as a theme.

Highlight works, well as a highlight.
