Bridges - An open thread

Bridge repairs, Corfu style!

Pont Gothique over River Gartempe, Saint-Ouen, Haute Vienne, France.

Gartempe St Ouen 50T.jpg

Zeiss Contarex 'Bullseye', Zeiss Tessar 50mm, Kodak Pro Image 100 processed and scanned professionally.
My bridge.
In the center a very old original bridge support, above, a disused bridge, there is another but I am trying to work out how to get all three in one shot.
This one was taken earlier the same day as the previous bridge, on our way down country to the south, it is The viaduc de Garabit and is a railway arch bridge spanning the Truyère, near Ruynes-en-Margeride, Cantal, France. The bridge was constructed between 1882 and 1884 by Gustave Eiffel, him of the Paris tower fame :)
