Hi guys,

I've had some comments on my photos from Good Friday that I posted in http://www.talkphotography.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=217095 but I am hoping for some more, without wishing to be too pushy.

This was the first time where I ever actually shot people in a non-candid setting, apart from at a civil partnership I covered, and even then there were other, bossy people (including the videographer) who did all the shouting for me during the formals.

I was helped loads by the fact that the couple from Friday were able to relax enough to just do their own thing, to a certain extent, and I could just step back and take photos, but I'd love more advice on how to guide them, and on what I should be looking for when taking the photos. Even if people simply suggest some good books/websites to read, then I'd be very grateful! :)

Some more thoughts on these would be much appreciated. Overall I quite like these few (guess the selective colour won't be to everyone's tastes) but found it hard shooting the elephants in general to achieve good compositions... particularly as the day in central london got busier in the afternoon.

Any thoughts, but on composition if possible, much appreciated.
Maybe it's the B&W prefix that's putting people off, maybe it's because it was shot on film so nobody can examine the EXIF and tell me I was using the wrong camera, I dunno - I've only posted for C&C twice I think, the first being my first post on TP, and the second being this one...

I like the shot, but there's just something I can't put my finger on, and I was hoping that a fresh pair of eyes might just give me that insight...


Hi all,

I am searching for the photographer of the photograph shown below.
can anyone help me please?

[/URL] Uploaded with ImageShack.us[/IMG]

Pleaaaaaaaaaase please help! this is driving me mad!


Had a really terrible night which involved ending up on the wrong end of a gun and walking an hour on a swollen foot. Was hoping I would have some responses here when I got back on the photos I like best out of all I've taken in 6 months but no replies yet.

Maybe thread title too boring?